Page 28 - Tegra Employee Handbook_2019_FINAL
P. 28
Unpaid Personal Leaves of Absence, if approved in advance,
are available to employees who need unpaid time off from
work for reasons not addressed by other types of Company-
approved leaves. All employees who have been employed
for at least 90 days are eligible to apply for a Personal Leave
of Absence up to 30 calendar days, provided they intend to
return to work at the end of a proposed leave. Employees are
entitled to one Personal Leave of Absence in a 12-month rolling
calendar period. The request must be a minimum of one day to
a maximum of 30 continuous calendar days.
Requests for Personal Leaves of Absence must be made in
writing detailing the purpose and the expected beginning and
ending dates of the requested leave. All requests should be
submitted to your manager and Human Resources for a final
decision. In considering a request for leave, the Company may
consider any and all lawful factors, including, but not limited
to, the requesting employee’s performance and attendance
history and the Company’s business needs.
Employees who are eligible for any other type of Company-
approved leave (e.g., Short/Long Term Disability, Family/
Medical Leave, Military Leave, etc.) must typically exhaust
that leave, in addition to any available, accrued paid time off
(if applicable to leave request) before a Personal Leave of
Absence will be considered. Any exception to the requirement
that other approved leaves must be exhausted prior to
obtaining a personal leave must be approved by Tegra’s Chief
People, Legal and Compliance Officer.
If you are called into active military service or you enlist in the
uniformed services, you will be eligible to receive a military
leave of absence, as required by law. To be eligible for military
leave, you must provide Human Resources Department with
advance notice of your service obligations unless you are
prevented from providing such notice by military necessity or
it is otherwise impossible or unreasonable for you to provide
such notice.
Provided your absence does not exceed applicable statutory
limitations, you will retain reemployment rights and accrue
seniority and benefits in accordance with applicable federal
and state laws.
28 © 2019, Tegra, LLC. All rights reserved