Page 29 - Tegra Employee Handbook_2019_FINAL
P. 29
If you are a full-time Tegra employee who is a member of
the Uniformed Services and are required to attend military
training or called to active military duty, you may be entitled
to be paid the difference between your regular base pay
and your military pay for a period not to exceed one year.
You also have the option of maintaining your Tegra benefits
for up to one year from the date your military leave begins.
Tegra reserves the right to provide additional paid leave
to employees serving in the military during certain military
actions or on a case by case basis.
In the unfortunate event of the death of an immediate family
member (as defined in the chart below), the employee may
be eligible for paid time off (as dictated in the chart below).
Fulltime regular employees are eligible from the date of hire
with no waiting period. Bereavement Leave includes time
lost from regularly scheduled work on the day of the death
and the days following including the day of the funeral and
related travel time. Bereavement Leave can also be taken
non-consecutively as long as the leave days are related
to the immediate family member’s death (i.e. to attend a
memorial service at a later date) and are used within six
(6) months of the family member’s death. Proof of death
and proof of travel may be required in order to receive both
the authorized time off from work and pay pursuant to the
For purposes of this policy, immediate family Bereavement Leave is
members include: Parent, spouse, domestic not to exceed five (5)
partner; natural, adopted, step or foster child or days per death
Other Family: Grandparent; grandchild; sibling; Bereavement Leave is
father- and mother-in-law, son- and daughter- not to exceed three (3)
in-law, and brother-and sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, days per death
niece, nephew, or grandparent-in-law.
In extraordinary circumstances, the Company may grant
an eligible employee unpaid extended bereavement leave.
Employees may use PTO for income replacement during this
extended leave.