Page 5 - Overcoming the Fear of Failure in the Bedroom
P. 5

Reason for Your Purchase

            So many people want fun and passion in their
      life, right? Certainly! We all do! You’ve watched

      movie after movie and seen the average guy or girl
      get the love interest of their life.

            Life is complicated enough without us having
      to think of ways to excite or interest another person
      in a dog-eat-dog world. Regardless, it is a
      competitive world and getting someone´s attention
      is just the beginning of our problems. Unfortunately,
      even sex can be competitive.

             You go through hell to prove your love for an individual and before you know it, your love life has
       gotten stale and those passionate encounters have become a distant memory. The things that made you
       attractive are now considered annoying. Everything you do is criticized. And when you have sex, it is
       mechanical. You’d feel pretty fortunate to get some excitement in your life at this point. If it’s any
       consolation, you’re not alone. It happens to all of us. Believe it or not! Even the most creative couples and
       adventurous individuals run out of ideas of how to spice up the bedroom and temporarily lose interest in

             The good news is, you can get that spark back and this guide will help you. All it takes is a few new
       moves - the more daring the moves are - the better. That’s why this guide is beneficial. No matter what
       your sexual tastes are, you will find some suggestions that are sure to get your blood pumping and/or build
       your confidence. Mind you, most of your hang-ups are due to religion, past experiences or social
       perception. Don´t worry! Some things are about to change.

             Most ideas in this guide can be used on either men or women. Mind you, trying new things can be
       scary as hell. Some people find sex to be easy. Some people are restricted by reputation, religion, image
       issues, poor social programming and inexperience. You don’t have to let your libido die simply because you
       are afraid. Hopefully, things aren’t that bad – yet. You simply need a sexual supercharge and you can get it
       without embarrassing yourself.

             Understand that all practices described in this guide are open to interpretation. And you should
       modify them to meet your own needs. But before we start, understand that the most potent sexual organ is
       the brain because without the imagination, sex can become a cold, repetitive, 1-2-3-move-turn-pull-push
       activity. Regardless of gender, we all look for good lovers with an appreciation for the erogenous zones of
       the body. No doubt, the genitals are one of the primary erogenous zones like the skin and brain. You
       should not be afraid to explore the body. Moreover, the feet, breasts, genitals and buttocks are sensitive.
       Therefore, they are helpful in pleasing a woman.

                         Overcoming the Fear of Failure in the Bedroom
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