Page 7 - Overcoming the Fear of Failure in the Bedroom
P. 7

Sounds of Sex

            The sounds of sex are very powerful. They are so                 And when you speak, do it with
       important that they send chills throughout your body and get the      confidence.
       juices flowing.
                                                                                 Pleasure Points

            More importantly, groans and moans are only a part of the
       sounds accompanying sex. We all know that dirty talk and              The pleasure points of a woman are
       flirtatious behavior can do wonders for you and your lover. We        those places that allow her to
       may laugh at porn flicks, but we can take some lessons from           experience sexual pleasure.
       them as well. Look! Once the temperature starts to rise, the silly
       things that come out of your mouth may be magical considering
       that .                                                                Of course, a man should know these
                             Alter Ego                                       points and not assume that palming the

                                                                             booty and kissing the neck will suffice.
                                        As a woman learns to harness

                                her sexual powers, she learns that to        Besides, these pleasure points have a
                                hide her intentions. This may not            key role in creating sexual tension.
                                always occur in a sexual sense.
                                However, if a woman can make it
                                difficult for her lover to read her          There are 2 types of pleasure points.
                                expressions, she can release her             The less sensitive and more intense
                                animal    instincts.  This    can   be
                                accomplished by wearing a mask.              points.
                                Shades, masks and costumes permit
                                an individual to feel safe. Whatever         Less Sensitive Points:
                                behavior emerges, the partner will           Neck, Lips, Palms, Wrist, Ankle, Inner
                                likely be impressed.                         Elbow, Behind Ears.

                 Unspoken Language                                           These are the areas that you will want to

                                                                             touch and tease initially in order to
              Poise is important for a man and woman. Once an
        individual learns how to stand, walk, and present themselves in      prepare the more intense points.
        situations, they become more attractive.

                                                                             More Intense Points:
              When sex is involved, it is good to adopt a poise of erotic    Breasts, Clitoris, Vagina, Anus.

        power. Despite the strength, position or financial status of an
        individual, power is attractive. Being submissive has its place      You do not want to touch these areas to
        and it is not in the bedroom. In the moment of sex, be               soon or you may keep her from creating
        assertive. Learn to make poised, slow movements.                     sexual tension.

                7      Overcoming the Fear of Failure in the Bedroom
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