Page 10 - Overcoming the Fear of Failure in the Bedroom
P. 10
Female Orgasm
Women Want Sex Just as Much as Men
Again, an orgasm is a feeling of
I used to think that women weren’t intense sexual pleasure. Of course,
into sex as much as men. Its
routine for men to do a number of the orgasm is caused by the release of
movies and dinners in order to get that sexual tension.
some action. Yet, you know this If you understand what causes
isn’t a guarantee because there are
guys with money that have no an orgasm and you can recreate those
chance of sex. causes, you have the key to giving a
woman what she wants.
Types of Orgasms
This year there is record of 12 different orgasms. About 4 years ago, there were only 7 and before
that maybe 3. Another confusing thing is the G-spot. Scientists are now saying it doesn’t exist. Who
knew? Regardless, it is one of the few that I will include here.
The Clitoral Orgasm
The most common, and easily achieved, type of orgasm. Feelings start in the
clitoris and send waves of pleasure through the body. The clitoris is possibly the most nerve-rich area of
the woman’s body, all packed into something the size of pea. Even gentle stimulation can be enough to
get the job done.
The Nipple Orgasm
Nipple stimulation engages the same pleasure centers as the clitoris. Of course, stimulating both
the nipple and clitoris at the same time can do wonders to a woman.
The Anal Orgasm
There are 2 sphincters at the base of the anus that expand and contract during orgasm. So,
stimulating the anus can provoke a strong orgasm. You will want to use lubricant.
The G-Spot Orgasm
This is the spot! Well, scientists say it doesn’t exist, but it does something. Located 2 to 3 inches
inside the vagina. It has lots of pleasurable nerve endings. G-spot orgasms can be elusive but are
explosive and often lead to a leg-shuddering sensation To help achieve one, use a circular motion during
intercourse, have sex from behind or gently hook a finger inside her vagina. Be patient, it can take 20 to
25 minutes.
10 Overcoming the Fear of Failure in the Bedroom