Page 14 - Overcoming the Fear of Failure in the Bedroom
P. 14

This is How the Magic Begins
                                                                              A Woman Knows Whether
             I said you wouldn’t have to go down on your woman. Yet,            You Will Be Good or Not
       if you lack stamina, you know you can save yourself by going
       down on her. This way you can develop confidence.                                  Before Sex
                                                                                   Women are 10 times better at
                                                                            reading body language and deciphering
             After a few sessions of sex, you'll stop having to pull out    non-verbal signs than men. Yes! 10

       and go down on her because you know this will work and that          times better. Like bees and dogs can
       alone takes all pressure off of you. However, you will learn a       smell fear, women can tell within
       technique as you read on.
                                                                            minutes of meeting you whether or not
                                                                            you will be good in bed.
             I know this sounds simple or even unrealistic, but you'll
       be amazed at just how much this little exercise allows you to               Have you not heard the saying,
       last longer. Besides, you are reviewing what you claim to            “A woman decides within 30 seconds
       subconsciously know. And when you combine it with the other          of meeting a man whether or not
       secrets that I am sharing with you - and a little practice - you'll   she's going to sleep with him”? Let
       be lasting 30 minutes or more before you know it!
                                                                            me explain! Trust me, you could be
                                                                            getting laid and simply don’t understand
                       Women Want Good Sex                                  women or the signs they offer.

               While guys are wired to want to get it on with any and
         every hottie around, a woman only wants to have sex with a                So, if you're having trouble
         guy she knows is going to be good in bed! Why is this?             meeting women or getting dates, it's

                                                                            probably not because you're a bad guy
         Simple: The best part of sex is orgasms. And while it's easy       or an unattractive guy, but more likely
         for us guys to get off with just about any girl, for women it's    because a woman can sense that you
         the opposite.                                                      aren't 100% sure you have the skills to
                                                                            get her off.
               If a guy doesn't know EXACTLY how to get a girl off,
         she's not going to have an orgasm. So, being with a guy                   This can be an instant deal
         who can’t give her an orgasm is just a big tease for her!
         Imagine being with a girl who got you all excited and then left    breaker for a woman. Why would she
                                                                            settle for a guy who can't please her?
         without reason or warning. That can’t be fun. And this is why      She'd rather find someone who can
         a girl only wants to sleep with a guy who knows how to make        rattle her brains.
         her climax. Actually, this can be great news for you!

               Why? Well, since most guys don’t know how to get a                  By no means, am I generalizing
         girl off, if you can master a few tricks to giving a girl an       women because there are a number of
         orgasm every time, you have a huge advantage over other            extremely intelligent, aggressive,
         men. She will want to sleep with you whenever you desire.          strategic women that know what they
         And you can live without worrying about her thinking about         want and know how to get it.
         another guy: unless, you are the other guy.

                14     Overcoming the Fear of Failure in the Bedroom
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