Page 16 - Overcoming the Fear of Failure in the Bedroom
P. 16

Another technique will give you that “motion in the ocean” effect.

   • Imagine the inner thighs as the boundaries, borders or perimeter.

   • Thrust from the center to the right and back to the center.

   • Move slowly. Remember, to keep your eyes open.

   • When you get over to the left side give three hard thrusts.

   • Start again, from the center.

                                    Exercises to Promote Penile Growth

         Let’s get to it! This section has been included for individuals who believe that “size” matters.
         Therefore, in an effort to remain holistic or natural – I have decided to include the following
         methods. Realistically, this program will take four to six months for you to see gains between one to
         three inches in girth and length.

         If you follow this program, you can expect harder erections, a bigger penis, increased ejaculation
         volume, the ability to control ejaculation, increased intensity of ejaculation, maintain a healthier
         prostate gland, curtail incontinence and lessen premature ejaculation.

         Phase One – Warm It Up

                The warm-up is important. You will need the

         1. Washcloth
         2. Hot water
         3. Five minutes

               Warm the washcloth with hot water. Of
         course, your penis is sensitive. So, proceed with
         caution and wrap the washcloth around your penis.
         Do not attempt to wrap your testicles. Continue to
         warm the cloth and reapply to your penis for five

                16     Overcoming the Fear of Failure in the Bedroom
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