Page 63 - be'ah Annual Report
P. 63

Striving for Excellence:
 Healthcare Waste Operations

 be’ah provides healthcare waste management   be’ah’s facilities use incineration and autoclave
 services on commercial basis to all governmental   techniques. The autoclave technology shreds and
 and private healthcare institutions across   sterilizes waste to make it harmless, whereas the
 Oman. be’ah’s state-of-the-art healthcare waste   incineration completely burns pharmaceutical, cytotoxic
 treatment facilities have been established as per   and genotoxic waste.  be’ah’s treatment centers
 the latest international standards recommended   combined with disposal facilities create an integrated
 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to   structure for healthcare waste treatment services.
 ensure safe management and disposal using the
 latest scientific methods and technologies.  be’ah had won the Middle East Waste and
 Recycling Award for Best Medical Waste Treatment
    Practices in 2019.

 Total HCW Received
 in 2019 (in tonnes)

 Al Multaqa HCWTF: 3,014

 Liwa HCWTF: 811
 Thumrait HCWTF: 518

 Total Waste Treated
 in 2019 (in tonnes)

 Al Multaqa HCWTF: 2,978
 Liwa HCWTF: 805
 Thumrait HCWTF: 518

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