Page 66 - be'ah Annual Report
P. 66

be’ah’s 4Rs of                                                                                                        Reuse - Novel Reuse Center
             Waste Management

             Waste diversion is the process of diverting reusable or   municipal solid waste diversion methodology and             In a novel step towards waste diversion that also    opening up opportunities for economic growth
             recyclable waste away from landfills, so as to reduce   achieve a diversion rate of 80% by 2030. This strategy        involves young Omanis and academia, be’ah and        by providing a resource flow for recyclable
             to volume of waste and also add to the life cycle of   takes a two-pronged approach.                                  Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) have joined hands     materials and closing the loop of circularity.
             goods and items perceived as waste to be completely                                                                   to establish a Reuse Center on the university
             disposed.                                           One, it allows a remarkable quantity of waste                     premises. The center’s purpose is to accept and      The center will enable SQU promote campus
                                                                 to be sustainably and environmentally used.                       sell reusable items donated from the Omani           sustainability and encourage active participation
             It happens that of the total waste generated,       Two, it maximizes economic returns while                          community including the public, schools, charity     by staff, students, and surrounding communities in
             some percentage always has some usability           reducing dependency on landfills and providing                    organizations, and commercial institutions. It       green initiatives on waste reduction and reuse. These
             left like old tires, paper, plastic and metal       opportunities to the power generation industry.                   gives a second life to these items by refurbishing   social and economic activities, in turn, will optimise
             which can be re-processed or repurposed.                                                                              them and reintroducing them into the market.         in-country value by hiring and training Omanis
                                                                                                                                   Irrecoverable items will be passed on to recyclers,   with special needs and from low income groups.
             be’ah has re-interpreted the four Rs (Reduce, Reuse,
             Recycle and Recover) for its waste management
             strategy as it aims to implement a long-term

                                                                                                                                   Reuse Center Concept

             Reduce - Targeting Lower
             Waste Generation                                                                                                                                            Item sorted at
                                                                                                                                                                          Reuse Center
             be’ah strategic objective is to reduce per capita   perceptive and more informed about the damage
             waste to less than 1kg per day by 2040. This, can be   to global environment. It is more than willing
             achieved through its current and future initiatives   to use its energies towards this cause and this
             to reiterate the ideologies of reduce, reuse and    is why be’ah team sees a sincere and fruitful
             recycle through school curriculum and by raising    partnership with the younger generation.
             environmental awareness and sensitivity.
             The younger generation is more receptive,                                                                                          End of                 Sustainable                      Repair or
                                                                                                                                               item life                                                Redesign

                                                                                                                                                          Item sale                          Display at
                                                                                                                                                                                            Reuse Shop

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