Page 71 - be'ah Annual Report
P. 71

Lead Acid Batteries (LAB)

 Used Lead Acid Batteries ( LAB ) are considered as   Although be’ah has formed a LAB committee with
 hazardous waste due to the lead and acid content.   relevant stakeholders to enhance the relevant
 According to the 2014 study it is estimated that   regulations, control the border, overcome the
 Oman generate around 14,000 tonnes of LAB   market challenges and eliminate the illegal
 annually and this causes an environmental impact   practices. Additionally, be’ah has successfully
 due to the wrong and illegal practices by the   signed with more than 14 main generators
 unskilled labors and LAB value get exported abroad.   to supply all their LAB generated to be’ah and
 As be’ah has the role of managing all waste streams   transfer them to the approved treatment facility
 in the country and its missions is to reduce the   Moreover, as part of be’ah values to enhance
 environmental impact and creates in country value.   the SME’s in the waste management services
 be’ah has signed an agreement with a local LAB   in Oman, be’ah has signed with 5 SME’s for LAB
 treatment facility ( Arab Lead Company ) in 2017   collection activities and support them with required
 to supply the generated and collected LAB and get   opportunities. be’ah still working on expanding
 recycled in environmental friendly manner and sell   the LAB generation agreements and collection
 the end product to fulfill the local demands. ALC   opportunities and in communication with many
 has a capacity to recycle 6,000 tonnes per year and   authorities and companies in this regard.
 be’ah aims to enhance the recycling capacity locally
 by signing with other treatment facilities and allows
 export the remaining abroad.

 The Big Threat from PET

 Plastic may have become second skin to us due to
 its presence in almost every aspect of our lives, it
 however remains without doubt the biggest threat
 to the environment. A look around us is enough
 to drive home the point. In Oman’s municipal
 solid waste (MSW) landfills, plastics take up around
 21% share by weight and 50% by volume.   165 Million Tonnes of Plastic
 Volume is the main issue in landfills because all   Pollution in the World’s Oceans
 landfills are designed and structured to hold specific

 Nearly 50% of plastics or 190,000 MT in our landfills
 is considered as polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
 Diversion of PET bottles from landfills will
 eventually help reduce space consumption,
 which in turn, will increase the life of each
 landfill. be’ah is currently working on a PET
 diversion strategy and segregation plans.

 21% of Waste in Landfills is Plastic

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