Page 72 - be'ah Annual Report
P. 72

Organic Waste:                                                                                                        Wheel Set in Motion: Tires as
             Deeper Benefits                                                                                                       Alternative Fuels for Cement Production

             Organic waste is defined as biodegradable waste     of energy. The process also produces digestate                    be’ah has taken proactive steps to collaborate with   will divert around 30,000 tonnes of ELT per annum
             with the potential to be composted or digested.     that can be used to produce high-quality organic                  key stakeholders for off-taking End of Life Tires” (ELT),   (66%). In addition, be’ah signed a collection
             This stream is currently disposed in landfills mixed   fertilizer. Biogas then can be used for electricity            which comprise of stockpiled legacy tires and expired   contract with United Rubber Industries (URI), an
             with other household waste streams. be’ah finalized   production or to be upgraded to a biofuel. A BOOT               tires that can no longer be used in vehicles. be’ah’s   SME operating a facility in Nizwa to recycle 5,000
             feasibility study for establishing biogas plants at Barka   (Build, Own, Operate and Transfer) business model is      signing of a supply contract with Oman Cement        tons of ELT per annum into rubber granulates of
             Landfill, SQU and Omani Agriculture Association.    to be adopted for commissioning the biogas plant.                 marks the beginning of an important and strategic    various sizes for different applications. Through
             Anaerobic digestion is a biological technology                                                                        partnership.                                         these two initiatives, be’ah managed to secure
             used for biogas production as an alternative source                                                                                                                        agreements to treat a total of 35,000 tons/
                                                                                                                                   Oman Cement requires a cost-effective solution that   annum of ELT, achieving a diversion rate of 77%.
                                                                                                                                   utilizes alternative fuels in conjunction with fossil fuels
                                                                                                                                   co-combustion plant to produce cement. This also     In addition, be’ah conducts regular meeting with
                                                                                                                                   serves be’ah’s goals in diverting 30,000 tonnes of tire   Steel smelters who have expressed their interest
             Recover - Bright Solutions                                                                                            waste annually from landfills and other relevant waste   to secure the remaining feedstock from be’ah as
             for Energy Recovery                                                                                                   streams to the cement production process as fuel.    shredded ELT for use in their kiln to replace pet coke.

                                                                                                                                   Based on a survey conducted, Oman generates
             The proposed Waste to Energy (WTE) Plant at Barka   structure.  In this project, be’ah will sign a waste              around 45,000 tonnes of ELT per annum.
             will divert 3,840 tonnes of MSW every day, producing   supply agreement with the project company and                  The supply agreement with Oman Cement Co.
             a net 137 MW/day of electricity, which will be      supply the feedstock.  OPWP will sign a power
             connected to the main grid. The project concept was   purchase agreement with the project company.
             promoted to major stakeholders by demonstrating     Another WTE initiative was studied with PDO, to
             its sustainability and impact on a national level -   develop WTE at PDO’s concession area.
             from reducing environmental emissions, saving
             landfill spaces, reduction of dependency on non-    PDO and be’ah collaborated and finalized the
             renewable resources and attraction of foreign       feasibility study which outlines multiple scenarios
             direct funds to generation of employment.           for utilizing power and steam recovered from
                                                                 incinerating approximately 960,000 tonnes of waste
             Both be’ah and The Oman Power and Water             per annum. This project will help PDO meet its
             Procurement Company (OPWP) conducted feasibility    requirement for high-pressure steam to be used for
             and techno-economic studies for developing the      the Enhance Oil Recovery (EOR) activities. Upon final
             WTE plant in Barka highlighting the concept design   decision from PDO on the preferred scenario, be’ah
             and key operating parameters to be considered.      and PDO will enter into an agreement to commence
             be’ah and OPWP worked with the Government to        RFQ and RFP processes for tendering out the project
             obtain approval to initiate the acquisition process   on BOOT basis : Build, Own, Operate and Transfer.
             of the project, by reaching an agreement with
             concerned stakeholders to determine the tariff


                                Divert 3,840 tonnes                    137 MW/day
                                MSW/day                                of electricity

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