Page 76 - be'ah Annual Report
P. 76

Environment Legislation

                                                             Environment protection and legislation go hand                         It affects positive behavior towards the            to apply and enhance their creative skills while
                                                             in hand. If we are to dream of a cleaner, greener                      environment. Envisioning these positive             contributing to the company achieving its goals.
                                                             world for our coming generations, framing laws that                    results, be’ah Creative Center (bCC) launched       bCC works on developing creative designs and
                                                             curb pollution and resource exploitation becomes                       an annual program to deliver high-quality           projects including campaign posters, videos, be’ah
                                                             imperative.                                                            multimedia content that promotes                    profile, motion graphics, 2D graphics, social media
                                                                                                                                    environmental sustainability. bCC gives             content, campaigns on awareness and behavioral
                                                             In order to build a sustainable integrated waste                       10 young Omani youths the opportunity               change and corporate campaigns among others.
                                                             management ecosystem, a legislative framework
                                                             that defines the collection, transportation, recovery,
                                                             and disposal of waste without endangering human
                                                             and environmental health becomes vital.                                Benefits of the bCC Program

                                                             be’ah is collaborating with the Ministry of
                                                             Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA) to review
                                                             existing laws on waste management. It is also
                                                             establishing a new regulatory framework based
                                                             on the government’s vision for this sector.
                                                                                                                                    Foster employability by creating an
                                                                                                                                    environment for project management,
                                                            Leveraging Quality, Health,                                             leadership, and team work
                                                            Safety & Environment (QHSE)

                                                            be’ah’s QHSE strategy involves people and practices
                                                            and ensures an environment that is conducive for
                                                            growth.                                                                 Educate the youth about the
                                                                                                                                    environment and waste management
                                                            This strategy includes training programs on accident
                                                            prevention, use of protective clothing, practicing
                                                            health and safety norms, and guaranteeing a harm-
                                                            free workplace culture. To maintain international
                                                            standards in managing QHSE requirements, be’ah
                                                            is committed to implementing the Integrated                             Provide a platform for the youth
                                                            Management System (ISO9001, ISO14001                                    to develop their talents
                                                            and OHSAS18001) across all its operations.

                                                            Agents of Change: Our Youth                                             Environmental Excellence
                                                             be’ah Creative Center (bCC)                                            Apprenticeship Program

                                                             Harnessing the power of creativity to spread                           The Environmental Excellence Apprenticeship         Fourteen individuals were hired to take part in
                                                             the message of environment protection and                              Program, which was launched in 2018, is an annual   the 2019 edition to work hand in hand with be’ah
                                                             sustainability has far-reaching results. The process                   program that benefits from community support        on its social outreach and awareness initiatives.
                                                             and the end result is educative, driven, sensitizing                   to be’ah’s initiatives. The program is open for     be’ah plans to expand the program as it moves
                                                             and impactful.                                                         local individuals from all governorates.            towards 100% service coverage in early 2020.

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