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seen from its title, the collection of Hadiths According to several sources, Hasan hadith, al-Bantani showed that he was born in Termas, Pacitan, East
in this book concern information about the Besut ibn Ishaq al-Fathani (d. 1860) also was part of the strong assembly of Java, on 12 Jumada al-Awwal 1285
Mahdi and it is thus the first book in Malay made a Malay translation of ‘Abd al-‘Azim hadith‘ulama and hence also was one A.H./31 August 1868 A.D. He resided
on hadith that specifically discuss the al-Munziri’s forty Hadiths. He entitled of the authorities in this field. Another in Mecca up to his death on 1 Rajab
theological concept of the Mahdi. his translation Hidayat al-mukhtar fi fadl ‘alim who wrote a commentary on 1338 A.H./20 May 1919 A.D. Mahfuz
al-talab al-‘ilm wa fadl sahibihi min kalam the Lubab al-Hadith was Wan Ali bin Termas composed the Manhaj Dhawi
Dawud al-Fatani also wrote Kashf sayyid al-akhyar, which was completed in Abdur Rahman Kutan al-Kelantani, al-nazarfi sharh manzumat ‘ilm al-
al-Ghummah in 1236 A.H./1822 A.D., 1259 A.H./1833 A.D. 65 whose bookal-Jawhar al-mawhūb was atharwhich was completed on 1329
which is a Malay translation of a work completed on Monday night, 2 Jumada A.H./1911 A.D., about nine years before
under the same Arabic title composed A grand-disciple of Dawud al-Fatani, al- al-awal 1306 A.H./1888 A.D. If al-Bantani he passed away. This work in Arabic
by ‘Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha’rani. When Nawawi al-Bantani (born 1230 A.H./1814 wrote in Arabic, al-Kelantani composed is a commentary on Jalal al-Din al-
printing reached its golden age during A.D.) was an ‘alim from Banten who his commentary in Malay. Suyuti’sal-Manzumat ‘Ilm al-athar and
the ‘Fataniyah dynasty, this book was continued the tradition of writing books turned Mahfuz Termas into aneminent
one among many others that were edited on hadith in the archipelago in the Ahmad al-Fatani, the son of another ‘alim Indonesian ‘alim who was also
and printed in 1303 A.H./1885 A.D. following periods. His was specialized within the Fatani family, Muhammad Zain prominent in Hadith, and many ‘ulama
Another book in Malay from this period in Islamic law but two of his books al-Fatani was an ‘alim from the Malay- from all over the Islamic world referred
is Shifa’ al-Qulub that comprises about concern Hadith. The first is in Arabic Indonesian region who paid great attention to this book.
forty Hadiths. Its author is unknown but entitled Tanqih qawl hadith bi sharh to the field of hadth at the end of the 19
the work was completed on 2 Ramadan lubab al-hadith and is a commentary on century. Ahmad wrote several books on Entering the 20 century, the writing
1225 A.H./1 October 1810 A.D. Its al-Suyuti’sLubab al-hadith. hadith, both in Arabic and Malay, viz. of books on hadith in the archipelago
introductory section states: The second is Nasa’ih al-ibad sharh Bisharat al-‘amilin wa nazarat al-ghafilin, did not subside. Among the works that
Hadis memulakan makan dengan garam
were produced is the Hadith ‘Ataqah by
“…I collected various prophetic munabbihat ‘ala al-isti’dad li yawm al- dan disudahi dengannya, Hadis-hadis Muhammad Mukhtar bin Ataridi al-Jawi
hadiths whose narrations have valid ma’ad and was completed on Thursday, pilihan, and Daftar rijal hadis. 66 al-Batawi al-Bawaqiri, an ‘alimfrom
chains of transmission (isnad) and are 21 Safar 1311 A.H./1893 A.D. and Bogor, West Java. He proposed several
trusted accounts (riwayat). However, comprisesof 250 hadiths. As can be seen Mahfuz Termas, whose full name was problems on‘Ataqah Kubra.It was
I omitted all sorts of isnad as I did from its title, it is a commentary on the Muhammad Mahfuz bin Abdullah bin completed on the 21 Zulhijjah 1330
not strickly take over each redaction. Munabbihat ‘ala al-isti’dad by Shihab Abdul Manan bin Abdullah bin Ahmad A.H./1 December 1912.
I took only the meanings so that one al-Din Ahmad ibn ‘Ali ibn Muhammad ibn al-Tarmasi was the leading Hadith‘alim
can write them with no difficulties, and Ahmad al-Shafi’i, who was well known to at the end of the 19 century and Finally, the last book on hadith written in
one would not get bored reading it. I Ibn Hajar al-Asqallani. the beginning of the 20 century. He Malay I was able to find is Muhammad
collected [those hadiths] in a book.” It is clear that through his books on 66. HWM Shagir Abdullah, Al-‘Allamah Syeikh 67. Abdurrahman Mas’ud, “Mahfuz al-Tirmisi (d.
Ahmad Al Fathani Ahli Fikir Islam dan Dunia 1338/1919): An Intellectual Biography” Studia
64. Shagir Abdullah, Penyebaran…. (vol. 10, 2000), 65. Shagir Abdullah, Penyebaran…. (vol. 13, 2000), Melayu (Kuala Lumpur: Khazanah Fathaniyah, Islamika, 5:2 (Jakarta: PPIM UIN Jakarta), p. 33-
p. 21. p. 42. 1992), pp. 44-48. 35.
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