P. 380
Other leaders who occupied important development for the Muslims in Indonesia The Muslim representatives in the philosophical basis and the ideology
positions in Hezbollah were Mohammad was the moments of the drafting of the BPUPKI were obviously orientated of the independent state of Indonesia.
Roem, Anwar Tjokroaminoto, Jusuf basic foundation Constitution?? of the state towards avital position for Islam within Therefore, in this forum, Islamic leaders
Wibisono, and Prawoto Mangkusasmito. and the preparation of the proclamation the formation of the independent state had to face two major dominant groups,
They represented the Muhammadiyah of Indonesia’s independence in 1945. of Indonesia. They were Abikusno namely the religiously neutral nationalist
and the PSII, while they were also The drafting led to fierce debates in the Tjokrosujoso (PSII), K.H. Ahmad Sanusi group and the group representing
members of the Masjumi leadership. BPUPKI (see below). The choice was (PUI Sukabumi), K.H. Abdul Halim (PUI Javanese culture.
Hezbollah was important for the whether to make Indonesia a state based Majalengka), Ki BagusHadikusumo It is clear that the representation of
development of the Indonesian National on Islam or a state based on a nationalist (Muhammadiyah), K.H.Masykur (NU), secular nationalist group within the
Army (TNI) and it helped santris in their ideology. The debates showed the socialist’s K.H. Mas Mansyur (Muhammadiyah), two forums was much larger. It is not
military career. 30 tendency to cooperate with the nationalist as Abdul Kahar Muzakkir (Muhammadiyah an exaggeration to say that at the
they opposed the Islamist group. ), Raden Rooslan Wongsokoesoemo
According to Benda, during the end of the Japanese occupation, the
Japanese occupation, Muslim elites Japan promised independence to the (Masjumi), Haji Agus Salim (Penyadar of Japanese government was more inclined
got to occupyspecial positions, while Indonesian people by establishing an PSII), Raden Syamsudin (PUI), Sukiman to prioritize the national leadership of
the Javanese aristocrats suffered from Investigating Committee for Preparatory (PII), K.H. Wahid Hasyim (NU), Mrs. Indonesia to be in the hands of the
declining prestige. This happened not Works for Indonesian Independence Sunarjo Mangunpuspito (Aisyiyah), Abdul nationalist group rather than in those
only at the national level but also in many (BPUPKI) on December 7, 1944 and the Rahman Baswedan (PAI), and Abdul of the Islamist group. This was evident
areas where the gentry was disappointed Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Rahim Pratalykrama (Regent of Kediri, in the next developments in which the
with Japan because of the drastic decline Independence (PPKI) in August 1945. santri). When the BPUPKI membership national politics in the independent
in their political and social status. Surely When looked at up close, it was clear was expanded by adding 28 more period were more dominated by the
the shift from hereditary aristocracy that the Muslim groups were not members, only two represented the nationalist group than by the group of
to Muslim leadership, which especially proportionally represented. The BPUPKI Islamic group, i.e. Pangeran Mohammad Muslim students (santri).
occurred in mid-1944, also meant a whose members were appointed directly Noor (Masjumi) and Haji Abdul Fatah Beside these benefits, two other
decline in the influence of the nationalists, by the Japanese government only Hassan(. Most Muslim representatives
who were largely supported by the gentry. included 15 Muslim leaders, while the came from the old generation of important aspects should be highlighted
rest came from nationalist groups. In fact, charismatic figures, but they lacked in relation to the political developments
It is also necessary to analyse whether this the BPUPKI had 60 members. In the political experience in organizations. in Indonesia at the time. First was a
fundamental change was also influential PPKI, Muslims groups were represented Their political thoughts in general were new way of thinking within the Muslim
in terms of the participation of religious only by the Muhammadiyah and the practical, not theoretical, whereas the groups that political parties were
groups in the dynamic formation of the new NU, by Wahid Hasyim and Ki Bagus important vehicles that could be used
Indonesian state? An important political Hadikusumo. 32 BPUPKI’s tasks were more about the to convey their interests. Second, the
30. Boland.Pergumulan ..., p. 15. 32. Zainal Abidin Amir.Peta Islam PolitikPasca- 33. Deliar Noer.Partai-Partai Islam di Pentas government agenda to use the military
Nasional 1945-1965 (Jakarta: Grafiti Press, 1987),
31. Benda.BulanSabit..., pp. 198-199. Soeharto (Jakarta: LP3S, 2003), p. 33. p. 31. as its dominating force rather thanthe
370 Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives 371