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they could serve as Japan’s allies. Since   another important effort was to make              December 1, 1943. If the MIAI was a    for religious affairs was also installed in
                                   the beginning of its arrival in Indonesia,   Muslim leaders take up the most                  religious association unifying Islamic   each residency. In cooperation with both
                                   Japan tried to convey its intention to   important posts in the military forces               organizations and conducting religious   Wahid Hasyim and Kahar Muzakkir, a
                                   honor and respect Islam by stressing    in Indonesia. Muslims were not only                   activities, the Masjumi was more       Ministry of Religious Affairs was set up
                                   the importance of collaboration by way   given administrative education but they              political aiming at strengthening the   which also had branches in the regions.
                                   of making Islam a major power.  Japan   received also military training. 26                   unity of Islamic organizations to help   Later, in 1950, Wahid Hasjim was
                                   seemed even to be cautious in the way   The Japanese reluctance to include                    Dai Nippon for the benefit of the Great   appointed as the minister of religious
                                   it addressed the problems of Islam in   the MIAI because the organization was                 East Asia. The Muhammadiyah and the    affairs in the first cabinet of the Republic
                                   order not to offend Muslims. Religious   founded on the initiative and due to the             Nahdlatul Ulama which had never joined   of United States of Indonesia. 29
                                   scholars and clerics were expected to be   awareness of Muslims in Indonesia.                 the MIAI, went over to the Masjumi which   The second benefit of the Japanese
                                   propagandists and to further Japanese   Japanese military authorities saw the                 comprised of two types of memberships,   presence was the founding of the
                                   interests in Indonesia. Nevertheless,   MIAI as an independent organization                   organizational and individual.         Masjumi. As the organization that
                                   the generally cooperative attitude of   that should be monitored carefully                    It seems as if the Muslims perceived that   embodied several Islamic organizations
                                   the Muslims with the Japanese was       despite the fact that it was a lenient                they could get benefit from the Japanese   and many individuals it was expected
                                   based on attempts to make Indonesia     Muslim association. In October 1943, the              replacement of the Dutch. First, the   to be of great assistance for the
                                   independent and liberated from all forms   Japanese military government dissolved             Japanese met the Muslims’ needs in     Japanese propaganda in Indonesia. It
                                   of colonialism.                         the MIAI. In its judgement the MIAI                   the government by founding the Office   was a political vehicle the Muslims in
                                   Uniquely, in its efforts to place Islam   had maintained an anti-colonial spirit              for Islamic Affairs. Leading this office   Indonesia saw as a means to achieve
                                   at the forefront of political affairs in   for it had refused to cooperate with the           was the highest position the Japanese   independence, whereas for Japan
                                   Indonesia, the Japanese colonial        Dutch. The Japanese feared that the                   government gave to Indonesians. Since   the focus was to gain the Muslim’s
                                   government purposely did not include    organizations’embedded anti-colonial                  October 1, 1944 the office was headed   acceptance of the Japanese occupation.
                                   MIAI officials in its apparently supportive   attitude would extand into an overal            by Hoesein Djajadiningrat who was later   The leadership in the Masjumi was split
                                   program for Islamists. In November 1943,   xenophobic stance, which would also,               succeeded by the charismatic ‘alim     evenly between NU and Muhammadiyah
                                   the three Indonesian national figures.   indirectly, be anti-Japanese. 27                     from East Java, Kyai Hasjim Asj’ari who   factions. Kyai Hasjim Asj’ari was the first
                                   Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, and Ki        As a substitute, Japan later enabled                  was simultaneously the chairman of the   chairman and his son Wahid Hasyim
                                   Bagus Hadikusumo (the Muhammadiyah      the establishment of a new political                  Masjumi. The daily leadership of the   acted as one of his vice-chairmen.
                                   chairman) went to Japan to accept       organization called the Majelis Syuro                 office for religious affairs was mostly   The third benefit of the presence of the
                                   meritorious awards from the Emperor.    Muslimin Indonesia (Indonesian Muslims                done by his son, Wahid Hasjim, because   Japanese was the establishment of a
                                   No MIAI board members were invited to   Consultative Assembly, Masjumi) on                    Asj’ari had to spend more time in his   military organization called Hizbullah
                                   attend. In addition to activities to include                                                  pesantren in Jombang rather than in    for which the Masjumi appointed Zainul
                                   Muslims in the Japanese administration,   26. Benda.BulanSabit...,p. 172.                     Jakarta. Since April 1, 1944 an office   Arifin, a NU delegate, as chairman.
                                                                           27. B.J.  Boland.Pergumulan  Islam  di  Indonesia
                                   25. Benda.BulanSabit...,p. 153.         1945-1970. Jakarta:Grafiti Pres, 1985, p. 13.         28. Benda.BulanSabit ...,p. 185.       29. Boland. Pergumulan..., p. 12.

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