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The building of the   civil authorities. It was for this reason   the debates in the BPUPKI or in PPKI   Muslim, traditionalist, modernist,   Masjumi
 Central Board of the   that generally only parties whose policies   meetings. These debates took place   and fundamentalist groups.  The   The Indonesian people greeted
 United Development   accorded with those of the government   mainly between Soekarno representing   majority of Muslims in Indonesia were
 Party (PPP)  were allowed to flourish and they were   the nationalists group and Abdul Kahar   traditionalists and they were represented   the proclamation of Indonesian
                                                 Independence with great joy, most
 Source: Directorate of   given the task to mobilize the masses in   Muzakkir from the Islamic side. Ki Bagus,   by the NU, Mathlaul Anwar, and Jamiat   notably the Muslims. The Muslim leaders
 History and Cultural   support of the Japanese government. 34  Wahid Hasyim, and Ahmad Sanusi   Khair. Modernist Muslims, also known   no longer saw the need to continue
 Values, Ministry of   It could be said that before independence   were among the Muslim figures who   as reformists, were represented by   the hostilities and heated debates as
 Education and Culture   in almost all regions, Muslim leadership   strongly defended the Islamic ideology   religious organizations such as the   they had before the proclamation.
 of the Republic of   was not as large as the leadership of the   and who rejected nationalist arguments.   Muhammadiyah, Persis and Al-Irsyad.  They seemed to have forgotten all their
 Indonesia.  religiously neutral nationalist group or   It can be ascertained that it was a very   The fundamentalist Muslim group was a   differences and they jointly sought to
 important moment, in which the debate
 those who disliked religion as a political   illustrated the openness of the initiated   minority but it had always been a public   build the new born Indonesian Republic.
 force. The MIAI was replaced by the   forum involving Islamists and nationalists   concern because of its actions, which   Some nationalist elites, especially
 Masjumi as the representative forum   groups.  When agreement on the basic   were often at odds with mainstream   among the socialist group, were skeptical
 for Muslim leaders but it didnot play the   foundation of the Indonesian state could   Islamic groups. It did not struggle through   towards Indonesian Independence
 expected important role yet. The Muslim   not be reached, a smaller forum was   political parties but took a military   because they assumed that it should
 leaders’ readiness to cooperate with   created that consisted of nine people. It   approach and resorted to violence   have been enforced with a stronger
 the Japanese colonial government did   included four Muslims and four nationalist   in order to achieve its purpose of the   emphasis on anti-fascism so that the
 lead to an improved position before the   groups in a balancing number plus   establishment of the Islamic State of   world would be convinced that the
 nationalist leaders just before Indonesia’s   one more person who was a Christian.  Indonesia. This group was represented   Japanese had no say in the formation of
 Independence.  The Muslim group was represented by   by Darul Islam or the Islamic State of   the Indonesian state. However, the strong
          Indonesia. This group came later to
 Nevertheless, the Muslim leaders had   Agus Salim, Wahid Hasjim, Abikusno   be associated with radical movements   nationalist spirit and the over whelming
                                                 support of the Indonesian people made
 a limited representation, but in certain   and Abdoel Kahar Muzakkir, and the   like Jemaah Islam. In terms of political   all factions support the proclamation of
 circumstances, especially during the   nationalists by Soekarno, Mohammad   aspirations the groups were divided into   Indonesian Independence by Soekarno
 critical time when the basis of the   Hatta, Achmad Subarjo and Muhammad   different political currents such as the   and Hatta.
 Indonesian State was being formulated,   Yamin. A.A.Maramis represented the   Masjumi Party and the Nahdlatul Ulama
 their position strengthened and they   Christians.  Party while the fundamentalists chose   For Muslims it was clear that Indonesia’s
 continued to strive for important roles   Political Movement after   to continue their struggle through extra-  Independence was the manifestation of
 for Islam in politics. The position and   Independence  parliamentary activities and they refused to   the ideals they had for a long time. No
 opinions of these Islamic leaders   be part of the Indonesian political system.  wonder if they greeted the proclamation
 became particularly evident during   After Independence huge differences   with enthusiasm because they thought
 began to emerge betweenthe   36. Allan  S  Samson.  “Army  and  Islam  in   that independent Indonesia would
 34. Zainal  Abidin  Amir.  Peta  Islam  Politik  Pasca-  Indonesia,”Pacific  Affairs,  44  no.  4,  Winter,  1972,
 Soeharto (Jakarta: LP3S, 2003), p. 33.  35. Noer. Partai-Partai Islam ..., p. 35.  p. 549.  automatically implement the ideals of

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