P. 385

Perti’s decision to form its own political   until 1955 was its sole representative in        Another reason for the PSII departure   a resolution of the party’s national      The building of the
                                   party, to withdraw from MIT and to turn   parliament, Haji Siradjuddin Abbas. 41              from the Masjumi and to re-establish   conference in Banjarnegara, West Java      Central Board of PKS
                                   into the Masjumi’s Sumatra Branch                                                             itself as a party was because the PSII   which was attended by 20 branches.       (the Prosperous Justice
                                   was partly due to its uneasiness with   PSII                                                  leaders, especially Wondoamiseno       However, after leaving the Masjumi         Party)
                                   the dominating modernists within        The Indonesian Islamic Union Party                    and Arudji Kartawinata did not get     in 1947, the PSII central leadership       Source: Directorate of
                                   Masjumi. Perti wanted to develop        (Partai Sarekat Islam Indonesia, PSII)                important positions in the Masjumi     clarified to Muslims that it did not have   History and Cultural
                                   its own political party to fight for    is actually the oldest party in Indonesia,            while they had been prominent figures   any conflict with the Masjumi and that    Values, Ministry of
                                   the aspirations and interest of the                                                           the periode before Independence. In    their connection with the Sjahrir Cabinet   Education and Culture
                                   traditionalists in Sumatra. This step   because it was a conversion of the                    the MIAI, Wondoamiseno had even        was solely the party’s responsibility      of the Republic of
                                   was made so that the teachings          SI that was established as early as                   held the position as the head of the   to the state. It remained committed        Indonesia.
                                   of traditionalist Islam could be        1911. As discussed above, before                      secretariat. In addition, PSII figures   to ensuring the sustainability of the
                                   maintained and further develop. As      independence the SI had experienced                   generally disagreed with the Masjumi’s   Indonesian state and the unity of,
                                   a result, there were heated conflict    ups and downs resulting in a decrease                 unstable attitude in the negotions     especially Indonesian, Muslims. It was
                                   between the modernists and the          in its activities, including a declining role         with the Dutch in the Sjahrir Cabinet.   disbanded in 1960 due to an acute
                                   traditionalists in Sumatra at the time   of the PSII. After independence, the                 Before Independence, the PSII had      disagreement among its leaders. During
                                   that affected the political choices of   PSII revived its political activities. The           been non-cooperative with the Dutch    the formation of the Sastroamidjojo
                                   the Muslims.                            PSII’s presence in national politics after            colonial government and of course,
                                                                           Independence is interesting especially                                                       Cabinet in 1953, the party sacked
                                   In terms of political thought, Perti    because Muslim leaders had agreed                     it condemned the Masjumi’s lenient     Abikusno and replaced him with Arudji
                                   was a fairly flexible Islamic party and   that the Masjumi was to be the single               attitude towards the Dutch demands     Kartawinata - Anwar Tjokroaminoto.
                                   it cooperated with nationalist and                                                            in the negotiations. The PSII had      However, Abikusno resisted and
                                   Communist factions. Unlike the Javanese   political vehicle for Muslim aspirations.           seen in Minangkabau that there was     established a counter PSII that was
                                   traditionalists, who kept their distance   As Noer indicated,  the emergence of               much disagreement among high-          widely supported by PSII’s South
                                   from the Communists and who tended to   the SI was motivated by the solicitation              ranking regional Masjumi members       Sumatra branch. The reason for his
                                   be hostile towards them, Perti displayed   of Amir Syarifuddin who had been                   because of the strong domination       dismissal was that Abikusno had not
                                   a different political behavior. During   appointed by the President to form a                 of the modernist group, especially     consulted the party leadership when he
                                   the period of Guided Democracy, Perti   new cabinet in 1947. Amir Syarifuddin                 Permi and the Muhammadiyah.            became involved in the Sastroamidjojo
                                   was ready to cooperate in activities    wanted to include Islamists in his                    Considering that PSII leaders were not   Cabinet. The dual leadership of
                                   initiated by the PKI and the communists   cabinet, but the Masjumi rejected his               proportionally included in the Masjumi   Abikusno and Arudji-Anwar could not
                                   in China and the Soviet Union. Only     offer. The PSII represented the Islamic               leadership, most PSII branches         be reconciled and brought about the
                                   Pertisent emissaries to the World Peace   group as a political party and later                encouraged the PSII central leadership   party’s decline, despite the fact that the
                                   Conference for Asia and the Pacific in   joined Amir Syarifuddin’s cabinet.                   to launch its own political party. The   PSII had strong bases in Java, South
                                   Beijing in October 1952. One well known   41. Noer. Partai-Partai Islam ...,p. 75.            desire to establish a political party   Sumatra, Lampung, North Sulawesi
                                   Perti leader who continued to serve     42. Noer. Partai-Partai Islam ...,p. 76.              was formalized on July 13, 1947 in     and Aceh. In the time to come, the PSII

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