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Office of the Ministry of   represented Muslims was aware of this   to be dominated by elites who had   Agency), and Partai Bangsa Indonesia   seize power. According to a government
 Religious Affairs of the   unfair treatment, it never demanded   collaborated with both the Japanese and   (Party of the Indonesian Nation).  statement, there was a group that would
 Republic of Indonesia,   changes. It tried to achieve justice while   the Dutch colonial governments. For him,   force the downfall of the cabinet and to
 Jakarta.  it still emphasized the importance of   any changes inthe Constitution and the   The Masjumi along with Persatuan   replace its members through a coup.
          Perjuangan continued to criticize Sjahrir’s
 Source: Directorate of   maintaining national unity in Indonesia.   cabinet could only be done after general   cabinet and demanded changes. A   When the situation had returned normal
 History and Cultural   It rejected the parliamentary system   elections had been held.  dispute between the government and   on October 2, 1946, Soekarno mandated
 Values, Ministry of   and favored the presidential system in   In regard to the Sjahrir Cabinet, the   Persatuan Perjuangan arose because of   Sjahrir to draw up a new cabinet. In
 Education and Culture   order to ensure the political stability and   Masjumi demanded a reshuffle that was   their disagreement over the position the   this cabinet six Masjumi members
 of the Republic of   the unity of the Indonesian Republic.   based on a coalition of several parties.   government had taken in the negotiations   were appointed as ministers, namely
 Indonesia.  Sutan Sjahrir (socialist) proposed   Other KNIP members accepted this   with the Netherlands. Sjahrir, who came   Mohamad Roem, Jusuf Wibisono,
 KNIP and President Soekarno to adopt   proposal and the parties supported   from the Socialist Group turned out to   M. Natsir, Sjafruddin Prawiranegara,
 the parliamentary system, which was   it. Soekarno responded by dissolving   be lenient towards the Netherlands.   Fathurahman, and Wahid Hasjim.
 approved and anew cabinet under Sjahrir   the Sjahrir Cabinet and he ordered   Soekarno acted strongly by arresting the   However the Masjumi announced that
 was declared in November 14, 1945.   a new cabinet be formed and Sjahrir   Persatuan Perjuangan’s leaders, including   those who sat in the cabinet did not
 Initially, in this cabinet there was only   was reappointed as the so called   two Masjumi leaders. This action wrecked   institutionally represent the Masjumi.
 one representative of Islam, namely H.M.   cabinet formatter. On March 12,   the Barisan Perjuangan and resulted in   When Sjahrir managed to hold the
 Rasyidi but later, on January 3, 1946   1946 he announced Cabinet Sjahrir   the formation of a new board on May 5,   negotiation with the Dutch in Linggarjati
 Mohammad Natsir was appointed as   II and he announced the names of   1946 called the National Concentration   on November 15, 1946,many parties
 Minister of Information. 45  the four ministers who came from the   in which a representative of the Masjumi   rejected the negotiations’ results. The
 Masjumi, namely M. Natsir, Arudji   acted as vice chairman. The demand for   Masjumi also expressed its rejection
 Through Natsir, the Masjumi continued   Kartawinata, Sjafruddin Prawiranegara,   which led to heated relations between
 to ventits disapproval of the change   and H.M. Rasyidi. However, this   the formation of a coalition cabinet was   the Masjumi ministers and Masjumi
 into the parliamentary system since   Muslim representation was considered   made in an effort to ensure the installment   leaders. A conference was held between
 it meant the Constitution. According   insufficient to represent the Masjumi   of a stable government. 46  the Masjumi and the GPII in Solo on
 to him, the presidential governmental   because it was merely a national   The unstable situation and the poor   December 4-5, 1946, and the Masjumi
 system was guarantee to ensure   cabinet and not a coalition cabinet.   relations between the government   ministers were told to leave the cabinet.
 political stability. He also refused to   Dissatisfaction was also voiced by other   and the opposition to leaders led to   However, they refused by saying that they
 believe that the reason that the change   parties that had joined the Persatuan   an emergency situation that Soekarno   sat in a national cabinet, not a coalition
 was made to eliminate the influence   Perjuangan (the Struggle Union)   forced to disperse the Sjahrir Cabinet.   cabinet, and that the parties were not
 of those who had cooperated with the   led by Tan Malaka. The members of   Soekarno attempted to restore security   entitled to regulate their members who
 Japanese government. Natsir argued   the PP came from Pesindo, Barisan   by taking action against the elements   sat in a national cabinet. The extant of the
 that the Sjahrir Cabinet continued   Pemberontak (), Badan Kongres Pemuda   that had been involved in the efforts to   political parties’ rejection, including the
 45. Noer. Partai-Partai Islam ...,pp. 154-155.  Indonesia (Indonesian Youth Congress   46. Noer. Partai-Partai Islam ...,p. 161.  Masjumi, ofthe results of the Linggarjati

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