P. 391

Tabel 1
                                                                                                                                                                           Names of Party     Vote Results
                                                                                                                                                                                PNI              22,3%

                                                                                                                                                                              Masjumi            20,9%
                                                                                                                                                                                NU               18,4%
                                                                                                                                                                                PKI              16,4%

                                                                                                                                                                               PSII              2,9%
                                                                                                                                                                               Perti             1,3%

                                   agreement led Sjahrir to hand over his   Samsudin, M. Roem, K.H. Masjkur, and                 of the Republic of Indonesia could be   largest political force, while the Masjumi   Tabel 1 the 1955 General
                                   mandate to Soekarno on June 27, 1947.   Kasman Singodimejo to sit in the cabinet.             maintained. After Soekarno and Hatta   and the NU were the second and third       Election
                                   A new cabinet was formed under          However, on January 16, 1948, the                     had returned to Yogyakarta, Sjafruddin   largest respectively. The fourth place
                                   the leadership of the socialist Amir    Masjumi with drew its cadres in protest to            immediately returned the mandate to the   was occupied by the PKI (Boland, 1985:
                                   Syarifuddin by inviting the participation   the outcome of the Renville negotiations          central government. In the Roem-van    56). The PSII and Perti were only minor
                                   of the existing parties. The Masjumi    that too much favored the Dutch. The                  Royen negotiations, the Masjumi had    parties. The overall vote result of the
                                   demanded the position of Prime Minister   PNI and the Sjahrir group also rejected             also shown its outstanding contribution   Islamic parties was about 43.5%.
                                                                                                                                 by preventing Indonesia from being
                                   and those of the Ministers of Defense,   Amir Syarifuddin’s policy causing the                harassed by the Dutch.                 Due to the parliamentary system’s
                                   the Interior and Foreign Affairs. There   cabinet to be dissolved. On January 29,                                                    ineffectiveness and ongoing regional
                                   was disagreement between Amir           1948, a new cabinet was formed headed                 The period from 1950 to 1957 was       insurgencies after Ali Sastroamidjojo
                                   Syarifuddin and the Masjumi and on      by Mohammad Hatta. Hatta invited the                  marked by the rise and fall of cabinets   handed over his mandate, Soekarno
                                   July 2, 1947, Amir Syarifuddin was      Masjumi and the PNI to form a strong                  because no party was able to rule as the   issued Martial Law which provided
                                   chosen as Prime Minister and the        coalition cabinet. Hatta’s cabinet turned             majority. The dominant parties were the   much power for the military and
                                   cabinet was drawn up without the        out to survive relatively long in the                 PNI, Masjumi and the PKI. When the NU   became the initial step towards
                                   participation of the Masjumi. To give the   Revolution Era (1949). Hatta’s cabinet            left the Masjumi in 1952, the Masjumi   Guided Democracy in 1957. The
                                   Islamic groups’ some representation     had to deal with various local uprisings              began to weaken even further although   debates in the Constituent Assembly
                                   in the cabinet, Arudji Kartawinata and   such as the PKI revolt in Madiun in 1948             in the 1955 election it still ranked as the   in 1959 to decide the foundation of the
                                   Wondoamiseno were asked to revive the   and the Darul Islam rebellion in West                 second largest party. Masjumi continued   Indonesian state reached a deadlock
                                   PSII which had been reestablished and   Java. The Masjumi played active roles                 to support cabinets after 1950 which was   and Soekarno took over the discourse
                                   then they formed a coalition with Amir   in negotiations to quell these uprisings.            marked by its joining the Hatta cabinet   by issuing a presidential decree in
                                   Syarifuddin’s cabinet. They occupied    After the Dutch military aggression                   (1950-1951). In 1951-1952 the cabinet   1959 which dissolved the Constituent
                                   ministerial positions. The Masjumi firmly   of December 19, 1948, the Dutch                   was chaired by Natsir who was later    Assembly and issued the Presidential
                                   rejected Amir Syarifuddin because he    controlled all important cities in Java and           replaced by Sukiman. The next cabinet   decree that ordered thereturn to the
                                   had converted from Islam to Christianity   Sumatra. Soekarno, Hatta and Natsir                was held by the PNI under Wilopo’s     1945 Constitution. Adopting Guided
                                   before Independence. He had also        were arrested. The Indonesian people                  leadership (1952-1953) and continued   Democracy, Soekarno formed the Dewan
                                   cooperated with the Dutch when the      who had previously been involved in the               by Sastroamidjojo also of the PNI (1953-  Perwakilan Rakyat Gotong Royong
                                   Japanese had occupied Indonesia. 47     political conflicts were reunited. Under              1955). To see the configurative strength   (the Mutual Cooperation – People’s
                                                                           these precarious conditions, the Masjumi              of the Islamic parties compared with   Representative Council, DPR GR),
                                   When there was a reshuffle in Amir      leader, Sjafruddin Prawiranegara, took                the nationalist parties it would be good   in which the members were directly
                                   Syarifuddin’s cabinet on November       the initiative to set up an emergency                 to have a look at the vote results of the   appointed. He also launced the concept
                                   13, 1947, the Masjumi was willing to    government center in the interior of                  1955 general election the first and the   of “Nasakom” (Nationalist, Religious,
                                   join the coalition cabinet by appointing   West Sumatra, complete with ministries.            most democratic election Indonesia     and Communists) in his administration.
                                   47. Noer. Partai-Partai Islam ...,p. 172.  Throughthis center the continuation                ever had. The PNI was temporarily the   The Islamic faction was represented

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