P. 372
Emblem of Partai area used for sugar cane plantations by expand learning opportunities for the the communists’ influence and the 1921 was at odds with the Muhammadiyah that Office of the Central
Kebangkitan Bangsa 25%. To endorse the motion, which was indigenous people so that they could congress in Surabaya supported the tended to cooperate with the government Board of the PKB, in
(PKB, Nation Awakening considered to safeguard the people’s become equal to Europeans. These motion to expell the Communists group because various Muhammadiyah’s Raden Saleh Street,
Party), which was interests, some SI leaders who initially motions were put forward so that the from the SI. activities relied on government subsidies. Central Jakarta.
founded on July 23, 1998 supported the Volksraad began to people did not have to resort to radical The Muhammadiyah’s refusal to follow Source: Directorate of
at Gus Dur’s house in dispute it and they asked Tjokroaminoto ways to vent their outrage with the Dutch The advance of the Communist group in the SI’s policies resulted abadonement History and Cultural
Ciganjur, South Jakarta. and Moeis to resign from the Council. Government. Given the influence of the SI had led to the weakening of the of the dual-membership pattern that Values, Ministry of
As a result, the SI started to change its Semaun, who wished the struggle to be organization as it had split into pro and had been maintained by the SI and the
Source: Directorate of the contra-communist factions. This split Education and Culture
History and Cultural strategy of cooperation with the Dutch more radical and non-compromising, this was also caused by conflicting opinions Muhammadiyah. In 1927 the SI expelled of the Republic of
Values, Ministry of Government into a non-cooperative incited divisions between SI members. within the SI, especially with regards to the Muhammadiyah. Indonesia.
Education and Culture one. This was especially the Dutch had However, the SI ultimately pursued Kejawen beliefs and radical nationalism. The departure of the Muhammadiyah
of the Republic of jailed Tjokroaminoto in 1921 and the its non-cooperative policies after the However, the SI’s success in warding off had weakened the position of the SI
Indonesia. demand to restore the SI leadership in Volksraad was no longer able to meet its that had in the meantime been involved
the Volksraad was also not granted. This interests. During the congress in Madiun the influence of Communists and other in a dispute with Persis on several
policy of non-cooperation became known on February 17-20, 1923, the SI formally currents that were not entirely based disciplinary subjects (furu’) in Islamic law.
as the hijrah (lit. migration). Kartosuwiryo institutionalized its political objectives on the fact Islam had strengthened Furthermore,the SI saw a new rival when
took this political migration a step further by changing its name to Partai Sarekat the Muslim reformists groups within in 1926 the traditionalist group founded
by establishing theradical institution of Islam (Islamic United Party, PSI). 19 the SI structure. The SI subsequently the Nahdlatul Ulama. The establishment
the Suffah as the party’s cadre agency. The Communist group tried to influence established a solid relationship with of several Islamic organizations had
Because the SI found that Kartosuwirjo other organizations, including the SI, the Muhammadiyah which was marked increasingly added tothe polarization
ran the organization individualistically to support the people’s movements led by the founding of the Islamic youth of the Muslims and dissociated the SI
and not in the interests of the SI, he was by the Communist party. Abdul Moeis organization, Jong Islamieten Bond (JIB) from other Islamic organizations. In
dismissed in 1939 and branch offices thought that the Dutch had installed in 1925. The JIB later produced many 1927 Soekarno founded the Indonesian
in several regions were prohibited Communist group to break the people’s prominent figures who would actively Nationalist Party (Partai Nasionalis
to entertain relationships with him. movement. Disputes with Semaun support the Masjumi. Indonesia, PNI), which became a rival
Kartosuwiryo subsequently established increased when the Communist group However, this cooperation only lasted for the SI as well as forIslamic leadership
Darul Islam, which had its strong base in showed its distrust of Tjokroaminoto’s until the Dutch Government, on the within the Indonesian independence
West Java. leadership. The party leaders who advice of Snouck Hurgronje, imposed an movement. Soekarno himself had been
Indeed, before the issuance of the rejected the Communist Party of Islamic policy in which the government Tjokroaminoto’s disciple. Hence, PNI’s
“migration” (hijrah) policy, the SI had Indonesia’s influence within the SI felt encouraged Muslims’ religious and advent divided the political movement
submitted several motions to the Council they needed to make efforts to eliminate social doings but closely monitored in Indonesia into two groups: Islamic
as a means to fight for the people’s 18. Noer. Gerakan Moderen...,p. 133. their political activities. As a result, by and religiously-neutral nationalist. This
voice. The motions were meant to 19. Zainal Abidin Amir. Peta Islam Politik...,p. 29. adopting a non-cooperative policy, the SI condition continued up to Independence.
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