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one of the SI leaders who had finished   Sarekat Islam. Unlike Samanhoedi,                    organizatioin’s daily management. On   the spirit of nationalism along with Islam
                                   higher education. The statutes stated   Tjokroaminoto was an authoritative                    March 18, 1916 the Dutch East Indies   as its basic teaching. Tjokroaminoto
                                   that Muslims had to contribute to their   figure who had finished higher education.           Government sanctioned the SI Central   used the term “national”to express his
                                   own progress by the establishment of    Disregarding the decree of the                        Board.                                 efforts to struggle for an autonomous
                                   an association called Sarekat Islam.    Resident of Surakarta, Tjokroaminoto                  Tjokroaminoto was often regarded as    government, or at least to gain the rights
                                   The SI urged its members to get along   began to establish SI branches in                     the organization’s only leader as he   to speak in political terms. The SI’s
                                   like brothers, to maintain harmonious   several localities. He then filed for                 remained on his post until his death in   political dimension was clearly defined in
                                   relations, to organize mutual help and   government recognition and demanded                  1934. Under Tjokroaminoto’s leadership,   its principles and working program that
                                   to enhance the people’s dignity to attain   the abolishment of the preventive and             the SI developed rapidly. His attitude   were proposed at the second national
                                   prosperity, well-being and the greatness   repressive administrative supervision.             towards the Dutch, however, was        congress in 1917. The SI demanded
                                   of the country. 16                      Hence, under Tjokroaminoto’s national                 ambiguous. On the one hand he showed   the establishment of regional councils
                                   The SI was widely accepted and it rapidly   leadership the SI had so changed that             his loyalty to the government, but on   and the expansion of the rights of the
                                                                                                                                                                        People’s Council (Volksraad) in the hope
                                   set up branch offices in many regions.   was marked in its first congress in                  the other, he had a strong sense of    to turn the council into a representative
                                   The Dutch Resident of Surakarta was     Surabaya in January 1913 attended by                  nationalism, demanded human rights and   institution that truly represented the
                                   weary of the SI because of some of its   delegates from several regions in and                the improvement of the prosperity of all   people in general. It also demanded that
                                   uncontrolled activities and therefore he   outside Java. There were three regions:            Indonesians. He rejected the notion that   political rights could be exercised openly
                                   banned the organization. As a result,   East Java (Sulawesi, Bali, Lombok,                    the SI was a political party that wanted to   forced labor and travel permits. Actually,
                                   quarrels with Chinese groups became     Sumbawa and islands in the eastern part               bring about a revolution. His attitude was   there was a difference of opinion
                                   more frequent and plantation workers    of Indonesia), Central Java (also covering            understandable because, at that time,   among SI members between those who
                                   started to go on strike and the SI was   Kalimantan) and West Java (covering                  the Dutch East Indies Government’s     supported joining the Volksraad and
                                   accused of being behind the ferments    West Java and Sumatra). To meet the                   regulations disallowed the formation   those who rejected it. Tjokroaminoto,
                                   in the regions. However, the suspension   East Indies Government’s order that the             of political parties.  In any case, in his   Abdul Moeis, and Agus Salim tended to
                                   imposed by the Resident of Surakarta was   organization had to be regional and was            political struggle, he cooperated with the   accept the Volksraad while Semaun, the
                                   later repealed under the condition that the   not allowed to operate at the national          Government in a proper way.            SI chairman of the Semarang branch,
                                   SI had to change its basic statutes and the   level, SI sought to keep its coordination       The political activities of the Sarekat   rejected it because he thought that the
                                   organization was allowed to exist only in   and cooperation with its regional                 Islam increased considerably after its   Dutch Government did not really mean
                                   the Residency of Surakarta.             organizations. Finally, in a special                                                         it to function. In 1918 Tjokroaminoto and
                                                                           meeting held in Yogyakarta on February                congresses started to be held at the
                                   The SI activities started to progress   18, 1914, the SI established a centralized            national level. These activities showed   Moeis were appointed as the members of
                                   after Samanhoedi had convinced          management by electing H. Samanhoedi                  that the SI was a national organization,   the Volksraad.
                                   Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto to lead the    as honorary chairman; Tjokroaminoto                   which had branches in many regions     The debate about the Volksraad flared
                                   organization in order to strengthenthe   as chairman, and Gunawan as vice-                    and that its leaders were able to evoke   up again when the council rejected the
                                   16. Noer. Gerakan Moderen ...,p. 117.   chairman. Tjokroaminoto officially ran the            17. Noer. Gerakan Moderen...,p. 125.   motion of some parties to reduce the

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