P. 429
Consultation meeting now under the Supreme Court, with no even seen to be politically related to led to the implementation of exclusive Kopkamtib sorted out the candidates of
of Indonesian Islamic exception for religious courts, which the spread of the idea of Pan-Islamism pilgrimage packages known as the ONH the political parties and disqualified 20
scholars in Pondok were originally under the authority of the that was feared to arouse Muslim Plus program. However, the problem percent they considered the rulers could
Pesantren Cipasung, Ministry of Religious Affairs. resistance to the Dutch East Indies. of organizing the pilgrimage persisted not trust. In some regions Muslim leaders
Tasikmalaya, West Java For this reason, the colonial government hence the reissuance of the law on hajj were intimidated to vote for the Golkar,
The unification of the religious courts
Source: Pondok into judicial bodies under the Supreme even planned to prohibit Muslims from organization by the government as Law a situation that had also occurred before
Pesantren Cipasung Court had some consequences. Firstly, performing the hajj because it might no. 17/1999, which was complemented the general election. The 1971 election
it was clear that it was aimed at the only turn the natives into fanatics. Thus, by a revision that resulted in Law no. was thus like a war between Islamists
13/2008, which reaffirmed the principles
and the government’s secular factions.
the Dutch colonial authorities strictly
explicit separation of executive and supervised there religious activities and and the organizers of the implementation The Golkar emerged as the victor of
judicative power, which previously at installed a special superintendent in the of the hajj. the election by gaining 62.8 percent of
some points had looked blurred. With Dutch consulates in Jeddah and Cairo. 37 the total votes (65.6 percent of the total
this clear separation, state institutions The Indonesian Ulama Council number of parliamentary seats), while
were expected to become increasingly After independence, the administration (MUI) the representatives of Islam only the NU
conducive more democratic and of the pilgrimage was given in the hands Party, could collect, 18.7 percent of the
transparent structure. Secondly, it of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, As mentioned earlier, in the early days votes. 40
aimed to further consolidate the position although in 1950 the private sector was of the New Order, the regime was not
of the judiciary, especially regarding also allowed to be involved through the in favor of Islamic political power. The The distrust of the regime’ to Islamic
the strengthening of formal, legal and issuance of the Letter of the Minister of disbandment of the biggest Islamic politics became stronger after the New
technical proceedings. Thirdly, as defined Religious Affairs of the United States of political party, Indonesian Muslims Order government issued its policy to
by article 2 of Law no. 3/2006, this the Republic of Indonesia no. 3170. In Consultative Assembly (Masjumi) under merge political parties in January 1973.
separation turned religious courts into practice, not the Ministry of Religious Soekarno, did not necessarily mean that Thus, to control national politics, only
one of the judicial authorities for Muslims Affairs handled the hajj directly but the power of political Islam had been three participants, namely Golkar, the
who seek justice in specific ‘Islamic’ rather the Hajj Committee. In 1964, tamed, at least not in the eyes of the New Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI,
cases. Hence, the religious courts’ finding solutions to the problem of pilgrim Order government. So ahead of 1971 which was an merger of the nationalist
authority changed as it has become transportation was the background for election, Soeharto ordered Ali Murtopo, and Christian parties), and the United
Amir Mahmud, and the chief commander
more extensive and include tribunal the issuance of Presidential Decree of the Kopkamtib to ensure that Golkar Development Party (PPP, a fusion of
disputes on alms giving, charities, and no. 122/1964and the establishment of 38 the Islamic parties, especially Parmusi
the Shari‘a economy. 35 PT. Arafat in the same year to provide would win the election. Murtopo was and the NU) would compete in the next
shipping for the pilgrims. In 1979, PT. asked to interfere in the election of general election. At the same time, the
Meanwhile, the centrality of the hajj Arafat was declared bankrupt, so the the PNI leadership. Meanwhile, the intimidation of Muslims leaders in the
administration had since the Dutch government obviated the pilgrimage by leadership of Parmusi, one of the Islamic regions persisted. The regime seemed
colonial time been seriously felt. In ship. The Government again became the parties, should be put in the hands of to think that in the race for state political
the colonial era, the pilgrimage was pilgrimage’s direct organizer. The 1980s a person Soeharto could trust. The leadership Islamic power was its main
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