Page 3 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 3
feedback and ideas from everyone; a
very productive day.
As the date for the event is getting
Report closer and we are looking for that last
push for fundraising, can I remind you
that the Mega Raffle is going to be
drawn at the October Open show so
Dear Members,
now is the time to get your tickets.
They are £5 for five tickets and we
As I am writing this our President, Mrs
Beryl Henman, is home after being in have some wonderful prizes to be
hospital for a while and I am sure she won. Please contact me for your
would love to hear from her Keeshond tickets.
friends. Her telephone number is
If you wish to join us for the weekend,
01604 870469, mobile 07539 245310 for one night or three, please
or email She complete the booking form attached
did make it to the Club show on the to your Newsletter and return to me.
27 January which was a lovely day We would be delighted to see you
for everyone who came.
I hope all our members are keeping There are still some class Crystal Tea
well and the awful weather we have Light trophies to be sponsored, if you
had has been kind to you.
are interested please contact Mark.
Mark is also taking sponsorships for
Dogdom was shocked to hear that the
Kennel Club has pulled out of the the rosettes if that interests you.
Genetic Centre which leaves the future
I haven't had many puppy enquiries
of the Canine Genetic Centre at for some time now and I am hoping
Cambridge University in jeopardy. that things pick up soon. We usually
They are in need of £345,000 for the get a lot of interest following Discover
12 month period from 1 April 2024. If Dogs at Crufts and Discover Dogs in
this gap is not filled staff will be made London which have been in October
redundant and valuable experience previously. This was cancelled last
and expertise will be lost, ongoing year and it had been proposed that it
projects will be affected and may be was to be part of the Horse of the Year
abandoned and 40,000+ DNA samples event in December, however I think
may be lost, which I assume would that there are problems with this and
include the samples from PHPT it may not go ahead now. I will let
affected Keeshonds. Let's hope you know when I hear anything.
funding can be found in time. You Meanwhile Anji and her team will be
could contact Anji Marfleet for more manning the booth at Crufts.
Please let Kit have any news or articles
Most of the Committee had a day out you have to enable her to make your
in January at the Windmill Village Newsletter the best it can be.
Hotel where our centenary celeb-
rations are taking place between the Also, checkout the Versatility Awards
2 and 5 May 2025. As some of the Page on the website as we have added
Committee hadn't been to the hotel some other activities that you may be
previously it was good to have their interested in.