Page 8 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 8

Dear Committee and all
               members of our Keesie Club,

               A note through my door last week, from Eleanor
               Fennah’s son, had me excited.

               He had just come across a copy of the Spring 2022
               Newsletter, and wanted to thank me “for the lovely
               tribute” I wrote about his mum.  A really nice
               gesture from him.

               We hadn’t been in touch for over 20 years, so I was
               eager to find out how, or where, he came across it,
               and I contacted him the following day.  It was so
               good to talk to him again, rekindling old memories,
               and catching up with recent news.

               I was thinking maybe he had found a copy at a
               show, or perhaps someone had sent him a copy, after
               reading about Eleanor.  Not so.  Having been a long
               time member with his mum, and regularly keeping
               in touch with all things Keesie, he had ‘logged in’ to
               the Keeshond Club website.

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