Page 12 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 12
A final word should come from Mrs most famous post war dogs was
Molly Collins in the tribute she wrote champion Big Bang of Evenlode
upon the death of Miss Hastings in whose influence on the breed is so
1979. This appeared in the autumn dominant to this day, also Ch
Club newsletter of that year: Evenlode Monarch of Merrybelle who
in one year won best in show at both
“With the death of Miss Osmunda W.E.L.K.S and L.K.A. Perhaps her
Hastings, we see the last of one of most well-known bitch after the war
the early members of the Keeshond was the lovely Ch Zelda of Evenlode.
Club which was founded in 1925.
Unfortunately, owing to increasing ill
Today there can be no pedigree which health, Miss Hastings was forced to
does not contain somewhere the curtail her kennel activities and was
famous Evenlode suffix. Coming from seldom seen at the ringside this was
a family of animal enthusiasts, it was a great loss to the breed as her
only natural that she should follow on knowledge was unrivalled and her
in the family tradition. She acquired practical experience was second to
her first Keeshond in the late 1920s none.
and very soon was making her mark
in the breed. This was the beginning We, as a breed were most fortunate
of a long line of champions. Her first in having had in Miss Hastings such
certificate was won by Dorcas of a beneficial influence. Having been
Evenlode at Crufts in 1931, and her brought up and schooled from
first champion was Furstin of childhood in the correct assessment
Evenlode. of animal characteristics it was
always satisfactory to show under her
About this time she joined Miss as with her unquestionable integrity
Cousins at Henley-on-Thames where and tremendous knowledge one was
she bred all her pre-war champions. always sure of a completely unbiased
One of her most famous litters being opinion.”
champions, her Halunke and
Hagadorn and American
champion Herzog. For the
record champion Halunke
held the record for the
most challenge certificates
until many years after the
end of the war.
During the war the nucleus
of her kennel was cared for
by Miss Glover who was
working for the land army.
After the war had ended,
she quickly took her old
place among the big
winners in the breed. Among the Osmunda Hastings and her dogs.