Page 17 - Spring Newsletter2024
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Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) to We have recently been awarded a
sequence a PHPT case and an small grant from CamVet to
epilepsy case (as a PHPT control). undertake long-read sequencing of
We have sequenced a further case the candidate region in an attempt
and a progressive retinal atrophy to identify additional variants.
(PRA) case as a control, giving us two Preliminary data suggests that the
cases and two controls. These data region of interest is highly structurally
have enabled us to independently complex and very difficult to
identify the chromosome that interrogate, but sequencing and data
harbours the causative genetic analysis is ongoing.
mutation for PHPT, however we have
been unable to precise variant.
Allergies By Vikki Marshall
It is coming up to that time of year with your vet will allow your dog to
where we can start to see the get a correct diagnosis and treatment.
beginnings of allergy flair ups in our
4 legged companions. Allergic dermatitis
Dogs suffering from skin allergies are
In general there can be many causes said to have allergic dermatitis which
of allergies in dogs and some suffer is the most common allergy in dogs.
from worse symptoms than others. Skin allergies are mainly caused by
Allergies in dogs, like those in one, or a combination of, fleas, food
humans, can have very varied causes allergies and environmental (atopic)
and treatment isn’t always as factors.
simple as we could wish for. There
are several types of allergies your Flea allergies - some dogs are allergic
canine companion can suffer from to flea saliva, and this can cause their
including skin allergies, food allergies skin to become red and inflamed.
and environmental allergies, making This allergy is generally the easiest
matters more complicated, the to treat.
symptoms of all of these can overlap Another cause of skin allergies is food
one another and often they can suffer allergies or sensitivities. Dogs that
from two concurrent allergies.
have food allergies or sensitivities
Symptoms often have itchy ears or paws and
The symptoms seen in dogs may often have gastrointestinal symptoms
vary depending on the cause of the such as chronic diarrhoea and or
allergy. The most common are as vomiting. True food allergies are not
follows: itchiness, hives, swelling of that common; they are more likely to
the face, ears, lips or ear flaps, red suffer from a ‘sensitivity’. Chicken is
inflamed skin, diarrhoea, vomiting, a common protein to cause food
itchy ears or chronic ear infections, sensitivities.
itchy runny eyes, sneezing and Environmental allergens can also
continual licking. An appointment affect the skin and can cause allergic