Page 18 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 18
dermatitis. Some things such as pressure to drop rapidly causing
dust, pollen, fungus and moulds can shock, this can be fatal if not treated
elicit a reaction but the majority of quickly. Anaphylactic reactions are
cases are seasonal and are often rare in dogs; the allergens most
caused by pollens. likely to be associated with this type
of reaction are insect stings -
Hives (urticaria), can appear as a bee/wasp - or vaccine reactions.
result of a reaction anywhere from
6-24 hours post exposure to the
allergic allergen. Hives causes itchy TREATMENT
red skin with a rash like appearance.
Your vets can prescribe anti- Some allergies such as flea reactions
histamines to help treat hives. are simple to treat but some are
much more frustrating, trying to find
Anaphylactic shock the cause. There are several
The most concerning of the allergic medications that your vet may
reactions is anaphylaxis. Dogs like prescribe such as anti-histamines,
humans that have a severe allergy cortisones, medicated shampoos,
can go in to anaphylactic shock. This hypoallergenic diets or novel protein
is caused by the antigens in the host diets, omega 3 & 6 fatty acid
body reacting negatively to the supplements or even bespoke made
allergen, this causes the blood allergy vaccinations.
Anji Marfleet Health Coordinator
2023 ended up being another whopping 12 Kitxe
disappointing year for puppy ‘misses’ although I’m
registrations as, yet again, we 100% sure that ‘miss total’ in reality
didn’t reach the 100 mark. There is even higher. Of 19 litters born,
were 19 litters born, resulting in 93 nine had five or fewer puppies with
puppies – 44 dogs and 49 bitches. a couple of singletons; which is as
Contributing to that number were worrying as the number of matings
just four unproven males and which have resulted in no puppies
twelve maiden bitches and whatsoever. On the plus side there
fortunately only three litters were were two litters of eight, and four
repeat matings. each of seven and six puppies; half
the litters accounting for 68 (75%)
Of the four boys being used at stud of the total born. Enquiries for well
for the first time, two sired two bred, carefully reared Keesie
litters and one went on to sire puppies has been a bit erratic and
three; one male was siring his 10th I think could be down to ‘supply and
litter, which will do nothing to demand’; although knowing that
improve our virtually non-existent
there’s going to be a wait for a
gene pool.
puppy might result in there being
fewer impulse buyers?
Again there has been at least a