Page 15 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 15

who  own  our  beautiful  breed  and  by Christine Spear in Australia after
        want  the  best  for  them.  Whoever  having a Keeshond with the condition.
        bred it, and whatever it looks like it  There  are  groups  on  canine  liver
        is still a Keeshond and to the owners  disease, kidney disease, cancer and
        it is the best dog in the world.    many more.

        The  most  valuable  FB  group  is  Another benefit of social media is the
        Keeshond  Health  Today  started  by  ability to phone anyone, anywhere in
        Debbie  Lynch  (Foxfair)  and  mod-  the world via messenger at no cost.
        erated by her and Beth Blankenship  I’ve  enjoyed  many  health-related
        (Trumpets). This group now has over  conversations  in  this  way,  although
        3,000  members  and  covers  many   it can lead to working out the 24 hour
        health issues.  It brings reassurance  clock worldwide time zones and many
        and  signposting  to  owners  worried  late night sessions.
        about  their  own  dog.  Shared
        experiences  can  lead  to  the  owner  Back  to  reference  material,  some
        feeling they have a way forward and  publishers  make  their  veterinary
        are not alone.  Debbie is justly proud  books, or chapters available online.
        of the impact of this site for the good  Our world is changing at such a rate
        of the breed.                       and  at  the  time  when  we  hear  so
                                            many  negative  comments  about
        From a research point of view, posts
        have  provided  leads  to  dogs  still  social  media  and  the  Internet  it  is
        afflicted with PHPT and contact with  good to remember just how much we
        Barbara  Skelly  and  the  Canine   have benefited from communicating
        Genetics  team  has  enabled  us  to  with like-minded people and sharing
        collect  a  number  of  valuable  new  information.
        samples from affected dogs. Without  I’d like to finish by referring back to
        social  media  this  could  never  have  the collection of DNA samples for our
        happened.    As  I  wrote  in  the  last
                                            PHPT research.  The Canine Genetics
        newsletter, PHPT is still out there in  Centre  are  currently  experiencing  a
        the non-show population and we need  financial crisis after their funding was
        to  have  a  new  test  available  to  all.  withdrawn by the Kennel Club.  The
        These  owners  are  helping  from   team are an irreplaceable source of
        around  the  world,  thanks  to  the  scientific  expertise  and  personal
        power of social media.
                                            commitment.    With  the  difficulties
        There  are  support  groups  covering  now surrounding the test at Cornell
        many common canine conditions on    University the work they are doing for
        social media The Laryngeal Paralysis  our  breed  is  vital  for  the  breed
        (LP) GOLPP Support Group (Dogs) is  worldwide.
        very  active  and  gives  so  much  An American breeder recently sent a
        support  to  anyone  facing  this   sample  to  Cornell  for  PHPT  testing
        condition in their dog.  It is not breed  and  ended  up  with  a  bill  of  nearly
        specific  but  Keeshonds  occasionally  $1000.  Several  countries,  including
                                            our Kennel Club have stated they will
        Canine  epilepsy  group  has  13.7  no longer recognise it.
        thousand members and was started
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