Page 14 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 14

Health, the Internet and Social Media, a force for good.

                                  By Jane Saunders

        It is easy to forget just how far we  I still have it though there is so much
        have  come  with  the  Internet  in  the  new literature out there now.
        past  20  years,  and  with  its
        development,  social  media  and    When  Anni  died  I  wrote  for  John
        international communication.        Beacock’s  magazine  and  John  later
                                            made  it  available  on  the  Web.
        I remember back to 2001 when my     Through this several people contacted
        Anni was first diagnosed with PHPT.  me  for  help  as  they  also  had
        I wanted to know as much as possible  discovered  their  Keeshond  had  the
        about  this  condition.  My  dear  vet  disease.  The power of the Internet
        friend  Sue  was  so  supportive  and  at work.
        Mike  Herrtage  and  the  team  at
                                            It  is  important  to  recognise  the
        Cambridge Veterinary School hospital
        couldn’t have been kinder, but I still  integrity of the site but it is possible
        wanted to know where this had come  to  find  many  learned  documents
        from.    By  chance  an  American   written  by  veterinary  specialists.
        breeder was visiting a UK dog show  They say “knowledge is power” well
        and I was able to chat with her about  it  certainly  helps  to  understand  the
        Anni’s  problem.  She  immediately  condition our fur member is suffering
        suggested  I  contact  Kris  Arnds  and  all  the  various  options.  I
        (Winsome) who had been through the  personally  feel  I  can  then  make  an
        same  with  her  Dee  Dee.  Kris  had  informed  decision.  Hope  springs
        written extensively to alert people in  eternal, although not always ending
        the US about this condition including  as we would wish.
        in the Kees magazine, purchased by  I recently heard that there are only
        some in the UK.                     32 Vet schools in the US with nearly
                                            half the states with no vet school. It
        Thankfully we had emails and there
        was  access  to  a  certain  amount  of  makes me realise how fortunate we
        learned literature on the Web. These  are in the UK.
        were  mainly  extracts  of  veterinary  Social media has brought about the
        papers,  freely  available  on  a  site  greatest  change  in  the  availability
        called Pubmed.   I gathered all I could  of  information,  support,  and  help.
        find and soon realised PHPT had been  Some  people  seem  to  view  social
        studied  from  the  1980s  with  much  media  as  a  waste  of  time,  but  it  is
        of the work at UC Davis California and
                                            in  fact  what  people  want  it  to  be.
        Martin Feldman cropping up as  the  Having  a  worldwide  network  of
        author of many papers on the topic.  Keeshond   friends   has   proved
        Kris  suggested  I  might  like  to  invaluable in sharing information and
        purchase  The  Book  of  the  Dog,  a  sourcing  DNA  samples  for  various
        veterinary book produced by many of  research  needs  here  in  the  UK.
        the  specialists  at  UC  Davis  and  Breeders and show goers are only a
        written for the informed lay reader.
                                            minority of the thousands of people
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