Page 16 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 16
says, “This would not
have been possible
without the £175,034
outstanding support as at
of the international 29 Apr.
dog world, and we
would like to extend
our sincere thanks to
each and every Club,
Society and
The Canine Genetics team along with individual who has
Dr Barbara Skelly are our only hope donated – thank you
for a new test that can be shared from us all.”
worldwide with any testing centre.
All the owners who we’ve found via Both our breed clubs
social media and who have so kindly have donated to the
sent samples and case series are cause.
helping to make this a reality.
With a committed worldwide
Cathryn is overwhelmed by the gen- community of Keeshond lovers and
osity of supporters with donations the benefits of social media we can
from Clubs, Groups, societies and move mountains.
individuals being equally distributed. If you would like to support
The latest Our Dogs (April 26th) Dr Cathryn Mellersh and the Canine
reports that they are now halfway Genetics Team you can do so via the
towards their goal and have been able following link:
to extend the contracts of all the CGC https: //www.canine-
team until the end of September. She
Update on Primary Hyperparathyroidism in
Keeshonds Posted on March 26, 2024 | by Canine Genetics Centre
We are still trying to
identify the genetic
change that causes
(PHPT) in the Keeshond.
It is proving to be much
more challenging than
initially anticipated,
which may explain, at
least in part, why the
original research was never completed and published.
As part of the original Give a Dog a Genome project, we used short-read based