Page 10 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 10

EVENLODE – Miss Hastings and her

        In writing about the story of Ven it  Miss Hastings bred and showed many
        is  impossible  not  to  mention  Miss  dogs  to  their  titles,  even  doing  the
        Osmunda  Hastings  of  the  famous  double at a number of Championship
        Evenlode  kennel.  She  was  the    shows. She also provided quality dogs
        starting point for Mrs Molly Fort’s Van  for  others  to  show  and  was  behind
        Sandar  kennel  and  later  with  Mrs  many great post war lines, including
        Molly  Collins  the  foundation  of  the  Ven, Rhinevale and Ledwell.
        Ven kennel.

                                                               Miss Hastings
                                                               with Monarch,
                                                               along with Mrs
                                                                 Nagle BIS
                                                               judge and the
                                                               of the Swedish
                                                                Kennel Club
                                                                making the
                                                               LKA July 1962

                                                            One of the dogs who
                                                            did so much for her
                                                            but also to promote
        I  still  remember  meeting  Miss   the breed at the highest level was Ch
        Hastings  at  the  Southampton  Open  Evenlode Monarch of Merrybelle, bred
        show, which back in the 1960s was   by  Mr  Merry  out  of  his  Rhinevale
        benched.  As a teenager I was in awe  bitch.
        of  her,  in  her  white  stock  coat  and
        with a schoolteacher demeanour.     Monarch won best in show at both the
                                            West  of  England  Ladies  Kennel
        My  young  bitch  Penny  was  by  her  Association, WELKS, and The LKA in
        famous  Ch  Sinterklaas  Big  Noise  of  1962.  This accolade went unbeaten
        Evenlode,  with  so  many  of  the  for many years.  He also held the Dog
        wonderful Evenlode dogs behind him.  CC record for nearly 20 years.

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