Page 4 - Spring Newsletter2024
P. 4
If you have any questions or whatever you do.
comments please contact me or any
of the other committee members. Kind regards,
This will be the last ‘secretarial notes’ Geraldine
from me as I am stepping down from 01708 854920
May 2024 and will be handing the
reins into the safe hands of Joan Miles.
Have a wonderful summer with
At the time of his death he had
Graham Truelove a boy, his first one I believe, all
the others were girls. He has been
successfully rehomed after the
25/7/1951 – 25/10/2023 trauma of being in the house when
Graham died.
Graham was a keen photographer
and video/DVD maker, producing
the 2000 anniversary show video
which was judged by Liz Cartledge.
Graham had Keeshonds for many It was shown at our Championship
years and was a friend to many show in 2017 when Liz judged
Keeshond folk for a long time.
again to everyone's delight. He
also produced the very helpful
He had his first two girls from Pam grooming and showing videos with
Luckhurst, then one from Melissa Jean and Pat Parkes demonstrating
Thompson followed by Autumn how it is done.
from Carol Morgan. He then had
Breeze from Dawn Gregory. For a short time Graham was on
Through all of these it was Whisper the Keeshond Club committee
who he had from Jean Sharpe-Bale serving as the assistant Show
that went everywhere with him, on Manager from 2006/7.
his boat and in his motor home. Rest In Peace.
By Geraldine Clark
Information provided by Jean Sharp-Bale