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P. 10
Whether we’re talking in a team meeting or presenting in front of an audience,
we all have to speak in public from time to time. Even if you don’t need to
make regular presentations in front of a group, there are plenty of situations
where good public speaking skills can help you advance your career and create
opportunities. Through this LDP, participants learn to leverage the techniques
of persuasion to shape opinions, influence behavior, guide outcomes and got to
explore key strategies and gain effective knowledge of the business contexts of
all four companies. This event also allowed the participants to better know about
the current situation of the nation and its changing module with respect to many
resources. The participants were divided into 7 different groups according to the
Provinces of Nepal, where they presented their ideas on how our business can
flourish all around the nation and its possibilities to expand. The ribbon network
game presented by the organizing team, displayed the concept of Centralization
to Decentralization of power among the participants.