Page 29 - 2020 GGE Newsletter
P. 29

Page 29

                          THESES AND DISSERTATIONS FROM MAY 2020

          ABUBAKIROV, YERTAY  - MP – PE-      DULL, JARRED -  M.SC. (NT) – UN-          the Colorado Front Range
          TROLEUM RESERVOIR SYSTEMS           DERGROUND CONSTRUCTION                    (Adv. Dr. Palin)
                                              AND TUNNELING ENGINEERING
                 (Adv. Dr. Sonnenberg)                                           LI, HAIPENG – PH.D. – GEOLOGY
                                              (Adv. Dr .Walton)
                                                                                        Environmental Signal Propa-
          ARABNIA, OMID – M.SC. – GEO-        GRIFFIN, ALDEN – M.SC. – GEOLO-           gation, Preservation, and
                                                                                        Identification in Sediment
                                              GY                                        Routing Systems (Adv. Dr.
                 The Depositional Timing Of          Seismic Geomorphology of           Plink-Bjorklund)
                 Lobate Landforms In The             Cenozoic Age Clinoforms and
                 Park And Leon Creek Drain-          the Processes that Form Them
                 ages With Comparisons To            (Adv. Dr. Wood)             MICHAEL FORRESTER, MARY –
                 West Salt Creek Landslide,                                      PH.D. – HYDROLOGY
                 Grand Mesa, Mesa County,
                 Colorado (Adv. Dr. Santi)                                              Understanding Water Fluxes
                                              GROSS, EVAN – MS.C. – GEOLOGY             through Land, Vegetation and
                                                                                        Air with Coupled Atmospheric
                                                     Three-Dimensional Eolian           and Hydrologic Modeling at
          BEETLE-MOORCROFT, FERN –                   Bounding Surface Architec-         Extreme Scales (Adv. Dr. Max-
          M.SC. – HYDROLOGY                          ture of the Entrada Sandstone,     well)
                                                     Utah: Expanding Our Under-
                 Exploring Geologic Controls         standing of Reservoir Hetero-
                 on Infiltration and Groundwa-       geneity in Wet Eolian Systems
                 ter Recharge on an Ephemeral        (Adv. Dr. Jobe/ Co-adv. Dr.   NOOSRI, RATTHAPHON – M.SC. –
                 River: A Couple Geophysics          Carr))                      GEOLOGY
                 and Modeling Approach (Adv.
                 Dr. Singha)                                                            Petroleum Exploration in the
                                                                                        Mature Phitsanulok Basin,
                                              HANSFORD, MARK – PH.D. – GE-              Thailand: Success and Failure
                                              OLOGY                                     Analysis, Source Rock and
          BLAKE, JENNIFER - M.SC. – GEOL-                                               Crude Oil Characterization
          OGY                                        The Effects of Climate on Flu-     (Adv. Dr. Milkov)
                                                     vial Discharge and Key Con-
                 Geologic Reservoir Character-       trols of Fluvial Fans: A Quan-
                 ization of the Avalon Shale         titative Study (Adv. Dr. Plink-
                 and 1  Bone Spring Formation        Bjorklund)                  POMMER, RANIA ELDAM – PH.D. –
                 in the Southern Delaware Ba-                                    GEOLOGY
                 sin (Adv. Dr. Sonnenberg)
                                                                                        From Pore-Scale to Water-
                                              HERNANDEZ URIBE, DAVID –                  shed: Parameterizing Hetero-
                                              PH.D. – GEOLOGY                           geneous Rock Properties
          BONE, COURTNEY – M.SC. – GEOL-                                                Across Scales to Inform Pre-
          OGY                                        Constraining the Tectonother-      dictive Environmental Models
                                                     mal Evolution of the Subduct-
                 Petroleum Geology of the            ed Oceanic Crust Using Ther-       (Adv. Dr. Navarre-Sitchler)
                 Turner Sandstone Member of          modynamic Phase Equilibri-
                 the Carlile Shale, Weston           um Modeling (Adv. Dr. Palin)
                 County, Wyoming (Adv. Dr.                                       POWELL, LOGAN – M.SC. – GEOLO-
                 Sonnenberg)                                                     GY
                                              HILLIX, DAVID - MP – PETROLEUM            The Proterozoic Geology of
                                              RESERVOIR SYSTEMS                         the Northern Half of the
          BUCHANAN, JOHN – MP – MINER-                                                  Mount Evans 7.5-Minute
          AL EXPLORATION (Adv. Dr. Kuiper)           (Adv. Dr. Sonnenberg)              Quadrangle (Adv. Dr. Kuiper)

          CARDONA, SEBASTIAN – PH.D. –        JONES, JACOB - M.SC.(NT) - HY-     RADACH, KYLE – M.SC. – GEOLOG-
          GEOLOGY                             DROLOGY (Adv. Dr. Benson)          ICAL ENGINEERING
                 Finding Order in Chaos—A                                               Characterization, Analysis,
                 Multi-Scale Study of Mass-                                             And Remediation Of The Ce-
                 Transport Deposits (Adv. Dr.   LEHMAN, MIRANDA – M.SC. – GE-           dar Pass Landslide Complex,
                 Wood)                        OLOGY                                     Badlands National Park,
                                                     Taking the Tectonic Pulse of       South Dakota (Adv. Dr. Santi)
                                                     Paleoproterozoic Orogenesis:
          COPPLE, TREVOR – MP – MINERAL              U–Th–Pb Monazite Geochro-
          EXPLORATION (Adv. Dr. Hurtig)              nology of Metasediments in
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