Page 31 - 2020 GGE Newsletter
P. 31

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                          THESES AND DISSERTATIONS FROM DECEMBER 2020

          BISCAYART, PEDRO – MP – PETRO- LEHMAN, MIRANDA – M.SC. – GE-                  Analysis of the Influence of
          LEUM RESERVOIR SYSTEMS (Adv.        OLOGY                                     Ferricrete on Hyporheic Ex-
          Dr. Sonnenberg)                                                               change Flows (Adv. Dr.
                                                     Taking the Tectonic Pulse of       Singha)
                                                     Paleoproterozoic Orogenesis:
                                                     U–Th–Pb Monazite Geochro-
          BONNER, EDWARD – M.SC.  – GE-              nology of Metasediments in
          OLOGY                                                                  SCHOVANEC, HEATHER – M.SC. –
                                                     the Colorado Front Range
                 Shortwave Infrared Spectral         (Adv. Dr. Palin)            GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING
                 Analysis of Hydrothermal Al-                                           Development of Semi-
                 teration in the Main and                                               Automated Lidar Processing
                 Southwest Tintic Mining Dis-  LIVINGSTON, KELSEY – M.SC. –             Algorithms to Correlate Cli-
                 trict and Exploration Implica- GEOLOGY                                 mate Variables to Rockfall
                 tions of the Silver City                                               Patterns for a Slope Near
                 Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Prospect,         The Peralkaline Mount Rosa         Glenwood Springs, Colorado
                 Tintic Mining District, Utah,       Granite: Contrasting Mineral-      (Adv. Dr. Walton)
                 USA (Adv. Dr. Enders)               ogy and Geochemistry Ob-
                                                     served in the Mount Rosa
                                                     Granite, Pikes Peak Batholith,
                                                     Colorado (Adv. Dr. Pfaff)   SINHA, SANKHANEEL – PH.D. –
          CRUSE, STEFFANIE – MP – MINER-                                         GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING
          AL EXPLORATION (Adv. Dr.
          Bohrson)                                                                      Advancing Continuum and
                                              MALINER-COLVIN, STEVEN – MP –             Discontinuum Models of Brit-
                                              MINERAL EXPLORATION (Adv. Dr.             tle Rock Damage and Rock-
                                              Hurtig)                                   Support Interaction (Adv. Dr.
          GREER, REILLY - M.SC.(NT)-                                                    Walton)
          HYDROLOGY (Adv. Dr. Sitchler)

                                              MISHRA, ANIMESH - M.SC.(NT) -
                                              UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION           VANDAELE, NICOLE - M.SC.(NT)-
                 The Porphyry and Skarn De-   (Adv. Dr .Walton)
                 posits of the Chillagoe Mining
                 District, Far Northeast                                         VANDEYACHT, CLAIRE - M.ENGR. -
                 Queensland, Australia (Adv.   OXMAN, GRAHAM – M.SC.(NT) -       GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING (Adv.
                 Dr. Goldfarb)                GIS & GEOINFORMATICS (Adv. Dr.     Dr. Santi)

          JONES, JACOB - M.SC.(NT)-                                              WOOD, PATRICK – M.SC. – GEOLO-
          HYDROLOGY (Adv. Dr. Benson)         PETTINGA, LUKE – PH.D. – GEOLO- GY
                                                                                        Petrophysical Properties and
                                                     Submarine Canyons, Chan-           Geochemical Characteristics
          KELLEGHAN, CAHILL – M.SC. –                nels, Levees, and Lobes: An        of Crystalline Rocks: Implica-
                                                     Investigation of the Linkages      tions for Interpreting Geo-
                 Modeling Geologic Controls          Between Depositional Pro-          physical Anomalies in the
                 On Hydrocarbon Generation           cesses, Stratigraphy, and Sedi-    Cripple Creek Mining District,
                 In The Wolfcamp: Integrated         mentology (Adv. Dr. Jobe)          Colorado (Adv. Dr. Monecke/
                 Analysis Of The Delaware                                               Co-adv. Dr. Anderson)
                 Basin, West Texas (Adv. Dr.
                 Sonnenberg)                  PRADONO, ADITYA – M.SC. – GE-
          KUS, KACI – M.SC. – GEOLOGY                Integrated Sequence Stratig-
                                                     raphy and Geochemistry of
                 Quantifying the Lateral Heter-      the Triassic Shublik For-
                 ogeneity of Distal Submarine        mation in the Alaska North
                 Lobe Deposits, Point Loma           Slope: Implications for Petro-
                 Formation, California: Impli-       leum Expulsion Potential
                 cations for Subsurface Lateral      (Adv. Dr. Milkov)
                 Facies Prediction (Adv. Dr.
                                              RICKEL, ARIEL – M.SC.- HYDROLO-
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