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the monies to other entities which are also       transactions  by one  individual or  entity  will
                   in the form of Shell companies. The chain of      help    create   transaction   histories  of
                   activities in these companies  keep looping       individuals and entities.
                   up and payments are being layered up in
                   small proportions being scattered up in           Once detected, action must be swift and act
                   various companies. Ejusdem  Generis has           as a deterrent  to others. Entities with no
                   been laid in the Madhu Koda case, 2G              commercial substance  for, say,  five years,
                   spectrum case and many others in the go.          should be weeded out or frozen. Promoters
                                                                     and gatekeepers like bankers, accountants,
                   Lets understand the crux of these                 auditors,  valuers,  etc,  who  facilitate  shell
                   mishappenings     and    how    could   we        operations, shall be trapped under the tough
                   contribute as  Governance Professionals.          Prevention of Money Laundering Act and
                   The Executors  at the  initial  stage floats a    under the  stringent provisions  of the
                   number of companies with the same                 Companies Act 2013.
                   registered office address and put in place
                   the  anonymous directors  or  at times  some      We, as the Company Secretary are also
                   unrelated or untraceable directors. The start     Corporate     Governance      professionals.
                   of this financial crime is by the incorporation   Though, in the long run, this might not tend
                   of the  Company  for which we as                  to  be  onus  on  the  governing  professionals
                   professionals grant a declaration to be true      involved however  let’s  just  move a step
                   and lawful. The immediate counter would be        ahead work from our ground level.
                   are we even responsible for these wrongful
                   and      fictitious   deeds      of     the       Our  role as the  Company Secretary of  the
                   promoters/directors.   This   question    is      Company should be to instigate any such
                   impounding  and  leaves a  trail on our           ambiguity on the business of the Company
                   diligence and vigilant about our profession.      should be reported and  taken action  for  a
                                                                     derived conclusion. The practice of  the
                   MCA21, the  governing  portal on which all        Secretarial Audit by the Practicing Company
                   corporate filings reside  ad feeded,  is  a       Secretary    for  prescribed    classes   of
                   wonderful  starting point  for  tracking  and     companies is an apt exercise for culling out
                   mining    data   for  companies     sharing       the  intentions  of  such  Companies.  The
                   characteristics like common directors, same       Government has  empowered us with this
                   registered address, little or no business,        classic Audit  and  let  us  prove  to  be  a
                   occasional  large  transaction,  etc,  to  create   Effective mediator in detecting such
                   early warnings against  shell companies. A        fraudulent motives and transactions.
                   central KYC registry to  track  multiple



                                    SIRC eNewsletter/January 2017
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