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Amaravati Chapter thanked all the members
FOUNDATION DAY CELEBRATION OF and Students participated in the 1st
ICSI-AMARAVATI CHAPTER Foundation Day celebrations.
The ICSI-Amaravati Chapter Celebrated its NATIONAL SEMINAR ON GST & IBC-
1st Foundation Day Celebrations on CULMINATION OF GOVERNANCE FOR
Thursday, the 12 January, 2017 from SUSTAINABLE TAX REGIME AND
5.00pm to 6.00pm at Haritha Hotels, INVIGORATING BALANCE IN
Bhavanipuram, Vijayawada. CS K Srinivasa CORPORATE
Rao, Chairman, ICSI-Amaravati Chapter
welcomed the Dignitaries, Members and Amaravati Chapter of SIRC of ICSI hosted
students. Shri Kesineni Srinivas (Nani), the ICSI National Seminar on “GST & IBC-
Member of Parliament, Vijayawada was the Culmination of Governance for
Chief Guest for the Programme. Sustainable Tax Regime and Invigorating
Balance in Corporate” on Thursday, the
The programme started by CS K Srinivasa 12th January, 2017 from 10.00am to 5.00pm
Rao, Chairman, ICSI-Amaravati Chapter, he at Haritha Hotels, Bhavanipuram,
has briefed about the establishment of the Vijayawada. The Seminar was inaugurated
Chapter and he explained the activities by Keynote Speaker Sri C Kutumba Rao,
undertaken during the year and growth of Vice-Chairman, Andhra Pradesh State
the Chapter right from the inauguration day. Planning Board, CS V. Ahalada Rao,
Council Member, ICSI and programme
CS Ahalada Rao, Central Council Member, Director, CS P. Siva Kumar, Chairman,
The ICSI appreciated and congratulated the SIRC of ICSI, CS K. Srinivasa Rao,
all the Managing Committee Members of Chairman, ICSI-Amaravati Chapter &
Chapter, other members and Students in his Programme Co-ordinator and CS J V Rama
speech for the successful completion of 1st Rao, Vice-Chairman, ICSI-Amaravati
year. Chapter. Shri Babu Kurian, Deputy General
Manager, Canara Bank was the special
Shri Kesineni Srinivasa (Nani), MP also guest. Around 125 participants were
Congratulated to all the Members and attended the seminar. CS L Jayaraman,
Students for successful completion of the 1st Company Secretary in Practice, Hyderabad,
year and he has questioned about CS S Srinivasan, Company Secretary in
demonetization impact on Companies and Practice, Mumbai and CS Pradeep K Mittal,
spoken brief about GST and Development Advocate, PKMG Law Chambers, Delhi
programme initiated by government and were the speakers for the programme.
assured the members that he will extend his
help and co-operation to ICSI- Amaravati The Inaugural session of the programme
Chapter. was started by lighting of the Lamp by
Guests and other dignitaries, and digital
The session concluded with the cake cutting addressed by CS Mamta Binani, President,
and memento presenting to Chief Guest. The ICSI and followed by releasing of
Souvenir by the Guest.
SIRC eNewsletter/January 2017