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proceedings of the programme were widely Kumar, Vice Chairman, proposed Vote of
covered in the Regional Newspapers and Thanks.
telecast in TV Channels.
The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter organized
BANGALORE CHAPTER valedictory of 30 & 31 MSOP on 17
December 2016 at the Chapter Premises.
30TH& 31ST MANAGEMENT SKILLS The Programme was presided by CS Hari
ORIENTATION PROGRAMME Babu Thota, Chairman, The ICSI-Bengaluru
Chapter, CS Vasanth Kumar, Vice
The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter organized Chairman, CS Gopalakrishna Hegde,
Inauguration of 30 & 31 batches of Council Member, The ICSI, CS Nagendra D
Management Skills Orientation Programme Rao, Immediate past Chairman, The ICSI-
on 1 December 2016 at the Chapter SIRC. CA Madhu Menon, CFO, Clutch
Premises. Group, Bengaluru was the Chief Guest for
the programme.
The Programme was presided by CS Hari
Babu Thota, Chairman, The ICSI-Bengaluru The dignitaries during the programme
Chapter, CS Gopalakrishna Hegde, Council presented mementos to the winners of best
Member, The ICSI, CS Nagendra D Rao, project report, presentation, presenter and
Immediate Past Chairman, The ICSI-SIRC, best participant followed by distribution of
CS G M Ganapathi, Vice Chairman, The completion certificates to all the participants.
ICSI-SIRC, Cs Vasanth Kumar, Vice
Chairman, The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter, The programme ended with vote of thanks
and presentation of memento to the Chief
CS Vijay Kumar Sajjan, Member, Managing
Committee, The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter. STUDY CIRCLE MEETING ON
Mr. Gopal Krishna Agarwal, Council PROHIBITION OF PREVENTION OF
Member, The ICSI was the Chief Guest. CS MONEY LAUNDERING ACT, 2002 AND
Hari Babu Thota, Chairman, in his welcome THE PROHIBITION OF BENAMI
address thanked the participants for PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS ACT 1988
choosing Bengaluru Chapter for completing [PBPT ACT]
their MSOP. CS Gopalakrishna Hegde, The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter organized
Council Member in his address informed the Study Circle Meeting on Prohibition of
gathering that many new areas (like Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
NCLT/NCLAT, Insolvency and Bankruptcy and The Prohibition of Benami Property
Code, GST) are evolving for Company Transactions Act 1988[ PBPT Act] on 1
Secretary Professionals for making their December 2016 at the Chapter Premises.
career, and urged them to be prepared. Mr. The programme was presided by CS Hari
Gopal Krishna Agarwal, Chief Guest, in his Babu Thota, Chairman, The ICSI-Bengaluru
address informed the participants on Chapter, CS Vasanth Kumar, Vice
Demonetization and the advantages of Chairman, The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter and
demonetisation and how it will help the Dr. Rajkumar S. Adukia,B.Com (Hons),
country in the long run which was very well FCA, ACS, ACMA, LLB, MBA Dip IFRS
appreciated by the participants. CS Vasanth (UK), DLL&LW, DIPR, Dip Criminology.
SIRC eNewsletter/January 2017