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Mr. H Jayesh,
               Founding Partner, Juris Corp,  focused on         INAUGURATION OF ORAL COACHING
               existing Banking Law  Ecosystem and its           CLASSES
               challenges and  the need to consolidate
               multiple  insolvency  laws.  How  would  India    On 02.01.17 & 09.01.17, Mysore Chapter
               now be comparable to other countries  for         organized an inaugural session of  its  Oral
               speedy resolution of insolvency under new         Coaching     Classes    for  Executive    &
               regime)                                           Foundation  program  respectively  for  June
               FCA Sandeep J                                     2017 examination. CS  Bhansali M C,
               BMR  Advisors, focused  on key  insolvency        Chairman,  Mysore  Chapter  welcomed  the
               principles and provide  a “walk  through” on      students.  In  his  welcome  address,  he
               how the insolvency game would be played –         explained the importance of CS profession
               what are the rules, players and role of IBB       in the new Companies Act 2013. He advised
               (information    &     Bankruptcy     Board),      the participated students about  the various
               insolvency    professionals   &   Agencies,       method of preparation  for  facing the CS
               Adjudication authorities)                         Examination.  The  regular  classes  started
                                                                 immediately after conclusion of the inaugural
                          MYSORE CHAPTER                         session.

               CAREER AWARENESS PROGRAMMES:                      STUDY CIRCLE MEETING:

               ICSI-Mysore Chapter conducted 05 Career           On 21.01.2017, Mysore Chapter organized
               Awareness  Programmes in  Mandya  District        study circle meeting on Simplification  of
               through Counsellor during the month.              Procedures under Companies Act, 2013.
                  NAME OF                                        The members  were  discussed on the
                     THE                     NO.                 various areas suggested by the Institute for
                 SCHOOL/CO      ADDRE        OF      DATE        the possibilities of simplification. The session
                    LLEGE                   STUD                 was well attended by  Members of Mysore
                    WITH        BY          ENTS                 Chapter.
                Government      Mr. Ravi                         SESSION ON INSIGHT INTO GST
                PU College,                  63     11.01.17
                Maddur          Kumar S                          ICSI  Mysore  Chapter in  association  with
                Government      Mr. Ravi                         Department      of   Commercial      Taxes,
                PU College,     Kumar S      70     11.01.17     Federation of Karnataka Chamber  of
                Mandya                                           Commerce and  Industry (FKCCI), in co-
                Hombalegow                                       ordination   with   Mysore    Chamber     of
                da PU           Mr. Ravi     63     12.01.17     Commerce  and  Industry  (MCCI)  and
                College,        Kumar S                          Confederation of Indian Industry (CII),
                Mandya Dt.                                       together  with Trade, Industry  Associations
                Rotary PU       Mr. Ravi                         and Professionals of Mysuru, had organised
                College,                     61     12.01.17     a programme titled ‘Insight into GST (Goods
                Mandya          Kumar S                          and Services Tax)’ at B.N. Bahadur Institute
                Government                                       of Management Sciences, Manasagangothri,
                PU College,     Mr. Ravi     61     13.01.17     on 23.01.2017.
                Ex Municipal,  Kumar S

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