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This  initiative  is  under  the  ‘Start-up  India’,   Institute  for all the  latest notifications,
               ‘Stand-up    India’   campaign      of   the      regulations   and    amendments.      While
               Government of India, where The Institute of       addressing    the    Members,     President,
               Company Secretaries  of India (ICSI) is           informed that 2016 has been a year of many
               contributing towards encouraging the start-       new  initiatives  by  ICSI  and  thanked the
               up  culture  by  setting  up  incubation  centers   council members for their support extended
               for aspiring Company Secretaries.                 in all the new initiatives. She then informed
                                                                 that Bengaluru Chapter is one of the vibrant
               The objective of the CS Acceleration Centre       chapters  of  the  ICSI  and  congratulated  the
               (CSAC) is purely for training and academic        Managing Committee of The ICSI-Bengaluru
               initiative,  to  groom  the  young  professionals   Chapter  for  their  contribution  towards  the
               joining the CS profession by giving them an       development           of         profession.
               initial opportunity to stand up on their own. It   CS.Gopalakrishna       Hegde,      Council
               will  be  a  non-commercial  activity  and  is    Member, ICSI, while speaking to the
               intended to provide service to the members        Members and Students thanked CS Mamta
               of  the  Institute  as  part  of their  professional   Binani, President, The ICSI for inaugurating
               development.                                      CS Acceleration Centre and said “In pursuit
                                                                 of   professional   excellence,   Company
               THE PRIME OBJECTIVES  AND SCOPE                   Secretaries aspire  to be Champions who
               OF THE NEW INITIATIVE ARE:                        enrich the Indian Economy by Innovative
                                                                 Governance Tools."
               CSAC to be used  by the Practicing
               Company  Secretaries intending to  have           CS Hari Babu Thota, Chairman, The ICSI-
               office  facilities  for  dealing  with  their  clients,   Bengaluru  Chapter,  in his concluding
               where he/she can utilize  the  facility, in the   remarks    thanked    CS   Mamta     Binani,
               existing premises of Chapter office.              President,  The  ICSI  for  inaugurating CS
                                                                 Acceleration Center and assured Members
               CSAC to help the newly inducted members           and Students  that Bengaluru Chapter will
               by  facilitating  them  to  get  an  office  at  a   continue  to  keep  up  the  good  work  for  the
               nominal cost by making prior online booking       benefit  of  the  profession  and  Institute  as  a
               (in different slots during office hours).         whole.

               CSAC is well equipped with state-of-the Art       The  Programme ended  with  vote  of  thanks
               facilities  like Wi-Fi/internet, Telephone,       by CS Rekha Kamath, Secretary, The ICSI-
               Scanning & Printing, Reception Desk,              Bengaluru Chapter.
               Reference     Library,  Cafeteria,  Meeting
               Chamber(s) and other basic amenities.             HALF DAY DISCUSSION ON DRAFT
                                                                 SECRETARIAL          STANDARDS          ON
               CSAC to have provisions to accommodate 2          DIVIDENDS AND BOARDS REPORT
               CS  professionals  (PCS)  in  a  single  slot  on
               advance     payment     basis   with   early      The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter organized Half
               confirmation in writing.                          Day    discussion   on    Draft  Secretarial
                                                                 Standards on Dividends and Boards Report
               Interacting with Students and Members of          on 17   December 2016  at the  Chapter
               ICSI, President, briefed on the opportunities     Premises.The  Programme was  presided by
               for Company Secretaries and urged  the            CS Hari Babu Thota, Chairman,  The ICSI-
               students to  constantly visit  website  of the    Bengaluru Chapter, CS  Rekha Kamath,

                                SIRC eNewsletter/January 2017
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