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The Speaker during his address informed The programme ended with vote of thanks
the gathering on Law Commission Reports and presentation of mementos to the
On Benami Transactions, Benami speakers.
Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Act INAUGURATION OF CS ACCELERATION
2016, Prohibition Of Benami Property
Transactions Act, 1988 (Pbpt Act), Key CENTRE AT THE ICSI-BENGALURU
features, Benami Transactions, Exemptions,
Right To Recover Benami Property – PRESIDENT, THE ICSI-BENGALURU
Prohibited, Retransfer Of Benami Property, CHAPTER
The Income Declaration Scheme 2016 (Ids The 3 CS Acceleration Centre at ICSI
2016),Confiscation Of Benami Property, Bengaluru Chapter was inaugurated by CS
Confiscation On Order Of Adjudicating Mamta Binani, President, The ICSI on 12
Authority, Prevention of Money Laundering December 2016 at the Bengaluru Chapter
Act, 2002, Structure, Powers of Investigating Premises.
Officer, etc before concluding his session.
Other dignitaries present during the
The Session ended with vote of thanks and inauguration are CS Gopalakrishna Hegde,
presentation of Memento to the speaker. Council Member, The ICSI, CS Sivakumar
P, Chairman, The ICSI-SIRC, CS Hari Babu
CHANGES IN MONEY ECONOMY – 3RD Chapter, CS G M Ganapathi, Vice
DECEMBER 2016 Chairman, The ICSI-SIRC, CS Nagendra D
Rao, Immediate Past Chairman, The ICSI-
The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter organized SIRC, CS Vasanth Kumar, Vice Chairman,
Study Circle Meeting on Recent Changes on The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter, CS Rekha
Money Economy on 3 December 2016 at Kamath, Secretary, The ICSI-Bengaluru
the Chapter Premises. The Programme was Chapter, CS Pradeep B Kulkarni, Treasurer,
presided by CS Hari Babu Thota, Chairman, The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter, CS Vivek
The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter, CS Vasanth Hegde, Member, Managing Committee, The
Kumar, Vice Chairman, The ICSI-Bengaluru ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter and other Members
Chapter and Speakers CS S.Kannan, and Students of ICSI.
Practicing Company Secretary, Bengaluru
and CS R Srinivasan, Practicing Company Speaking on the occasion of the
Secretary, Bengaluru. Inauguration of the CS Acceleration Centre
CS S Kannan during his address informed (CSAC), CS Mamta Binani, President, ICSI
the participants on demonetisation, causes, stated that “ICSI is a Premier National
demonetisation in other countries, Professional Body, which is on a constant
advantages of demonetisation etc before endeavour for evaluation of Company
concluding his session. CS R Srinivasan, Secretaries as Governance Professionals
during his address informed the participants and to be a Global Leader in Promoting
on Recent changes in Money Economy, Good Corporate Governance”. She informed
Business Classification, types of business, CSAC is a well-equipped and equally well-
merits and demerits of demonetization etc furnished office facility which provides
before concluding his session. platform for young and upcoming Company
SIRC eNewsletter/January 2017