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Secretary, The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter, CS         Dr. Murali Krishna, Joint Commissioner of
               S kailasam, Director, PMCS Advisors Pvt           Commercial  Taxes  (admn),  Divisional  VAT
               Ltd  and  CS  V  Karthick,  Partner,  JKS  and    Office-   1,  Commercial     Taxes    Dept.,
               Associates. The discussion was participated       Bengaluru, Karnataka,  Mr. Rajen Kumar,
               by both practicing company secretaries and        Chief Editor, SME World, New Delhi.
               CS in employment.  The Discussion ended             JOINT  SEMINAR  IN  ASSOCIATION  WITH
               with vote of thanks and presentation  of          BANGALORE CHAMBER OF  INDUSTRY
               mementos to the speakers.
                                                                 AND       COMMERCE          (BCIC)      ON

               REGULATIONS – PRACTICAL ASPECTS                   2016
                                                                 The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter organized Joint
               The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter  organized             Seminar in association with Bangalore
               Study Circle Meeting on SEBI LODR                 Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BCIC)
               Regulations – Practical Aspects on 23  Dec        organized a  Joint Seminar on Insolvency
               2016 at the Chapter premises.  The                and bankruptcy Code 2016 at Hotel  ITC
               programme was presided by CS Hari Babu            Windsor Manor on 16  December 2016.
               Thota,   Chairman,    The    ICSI-Bengaluru       The  Inaugural session of  the programme
               Chapter and Speaker CS Mangal  Kulkarni,          was presided by CS Gopalakrishna Hegde,
               Associate  Vice  President,  Hinduja  Global      Council  Member, The  ICSI,  Mr. Thyagu
               Solutions India Ltd.                              Valliappa,   President,   BCIC,     Mr.   N

               The Speaker in her address informed  the          Venkatakrishnan,      Chairman,    Banking,
               gathering on LODR Regulations as on date,         Finance and Corporate  Affairs Expert
               Disclosures and Obligations  -  Governing         Committee, BCIC, Mr. M S Sahoo,
               Principles, Obligations  -  Practical aspects     Chairman,  Insolvency  &  Bankruptcy  Board
               (Specified      Securities),     Compliance       of  India, Mr. K K Baalu, Former Vice
               Requirement, Roles and responsibilities,          Chairman,  Company  Law  Board,  FCA
               Good  Practices,  Case  Study  –  Discussion      Shravan  Gudathur,  Secretary Bangalore
               before concluding her session.                    Branch, ICAI.
               The Session ended with vote of thanks and
               presentation of memento to the speaker.           Speakers:
                                                                 Dr. K S Ravichandran
               JOINT  SEMINAR  IN  ASSOCIATION  WITH             Managing Partner, KSR & Co Company
               ROTARY BANGALORE SOUTH EAST ON                    Secretaries LLP, focused on key insolvency
               GOODS AND SERVICE TAX                             principles  –  how the IB code would
               The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter organized Joint        institutionalize    and      professionalize
               Seminar     in   association   with   Rotary      insolvency proceedings – the benefit derived
               Bangalore South East on GST on 10   Dec           in terms of  assurance of  time bound
               2016  at  Hotel  Sheraton  Grand.  The            resolution and any other benefits)
               programme was presided by CS Hari Babu
               Thota,   Chairman,    The    ICSI-Bengaluru       Mr. Shreyas Jayasimha
               Chapter,    CS    Vasanth     Kumar,    Vice      Founder  Aarna  Law, focused  on key
               Chairman, The ICSI-Bengaluru Chapter, and         insolvency principles with focus on the core
               speakers    Mr.  Venkataramani  S,  Chartered     challenges  the IB code  needs to  address
               Accountant,  Member GST  Committee  ICAI,         such  as  accurate  legislative  drafting,
               & Member  GST Committee, All  India               capacity building, IT infrastructure to achieve
               Federation of  Tax Practitioners, Bangalore,      desired outcome)

                                SIRC eNewsletter/January 2017
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