Page 15 - Personal Portfolio
P. 15

Appendix C

                                            Personal Reflection #3

               Create a visual representation (with pictures, diagrams AND words) of your external and
               internal motivators. Attach it to a 1 page explanation (1 page, double spaced, Times New

               Roman) of your motivators and explain why you chose those pictures.

                       As per Oxford’s Pocket Dictionary of Current English, motivation is essentially defined as a general desire

               that  inclines  people  to  behave  in  a  particular  way.  That  being  said,  it  comes  in  two  basic  forms,  intrinsic  and

               extrinsic motivation. For someone as myself, motivation is not something I generally depend on as I have a tendency

               to  remain  passive  in  most  situations,  accepting  or  allowing  whatever  comes  my  way  to  unfold  without  any

               resistance. However, as that may be, no person, myself included, is completely apathetic and hence requires some

               sort of release from such a demeanor. An important motivator for me to stray from constantly maintaining a passive

               behavior is the perception of myself in relation to the world around me. To me, the main reason its importance
               stands out to me is because it is something which allows me to refine and be more conscious of how I interact and

               respond to others, in addition to  helping  me become better acquainted  with  my inner-potential as  to  what I can

               achieve. Although it may be an intrinsic motivator which comes from my own desires, it has the capability to be

               easily, yet unknowingly influenced by different presentations of media. This is why I tend try to rely more so upon

               extrinsic motivation, or rather to be a bit more specific, the predictability of others to have the necessary drive which

               can compel me to be more productive in any way or form. Due to the varying strengths of others in different fields, I

               have  a  competitive  urge  to  perform  at  the  same  degree  of  proficiency  as  they  can,  if  not  better,  due  to  how  I

               generally  think  to  myself,  that  “if  they  can  do  it,  why  not  me?”.  Despite  the  fact  that  this  may  seem  like  a

               questionable motivator, my persistency has caused me to succeed in my efforts, which is why it is not uncommon
               for me to be better than most of my peers as well as others I interact with in whatever it activity I gain an interest in.

               Be that as it may, the reason I chose this image (refer to Appendix C1), was because it portrayed a sense of distance

               from the world, which mirrors how I attempt to see myself apart from everything, rather than to remain passive and

               accept whatever life has in store for me. The other image I chose to represent as a motivator (refer to Appendix C2),

               was that of a variety of people outlined in different colors. To me, it signifies competition and how different people

               have  the  potential  to  impact  me  in  a  positive  manner,  which  indirectly  motivates  me  to  be  more  productive.  In

               conclusion, the images I chose represent the majority of my motivation, which is centered on the belief that the
               influence of others can change me for the better.

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