Page 12 - Personal Portfolio
P. 12

Appendix A

                                           Personal Reflection # 1

               TEST            Results:                                Examples in your daily life:
               Emotional       Emotional Awareness:                      - An example of being able to take a rational
               Intelligence    23/40                                   approach and maintain my composure in the
                                                                       midst of any situation regardless of my
                               Emotional Management:                   thoughts and feelings:
                                                                       When I have a rapidly approaching deadline, I
                               Social Emotional Awareness:             get my work done without letting the stress of
                               32/40                                   being under a time constraint hinder my

                               Relationship Management:                - An example of understanding how to adapt to
                               30/40                                   a variety of different situations:

                                                                       To overcome disagreements with other people,
                                                                       I act diplomatically and respect the opposition,
                                                                       so that I can grasp their perspective in order to
                                                                       come to a compromise or a valid response to
                                                                       whatever it may be that they say.

                                                                       Future Steps: The ability to effectively
                               Average:                                communicate my feelings is something I have
                               29                                      never really been good at. An effective
                                                                       technique to improve on this skill would be
                                                                       trying to connect my feelings with my thoughts
                                                                       as often as I can in order to comprehend
                                                                       conflicting emotions and sentiments as such.

               Multiple        Verbal/Linguistic:   Musical:             - An example of exploring how things are
               Intelligence    30                   38                 related and finding patterns in my daily work:

                               Logical/Mathematical:   Naturalistic:   When I am given a problem in math class, I try
                               40                   16                 to fully comprehend the concept behind it, so
                                                                       that I can utilize the recurring patterns and
                               Visual/Spatial:      Body/Kinesthetic:   similarities between different problems to
                               40                   38                 make it easier to solve.

                               Interpersonal:       Intrapersonal:     - An example of using my intrapersonal skills:
                               29                   40
                                                                       One of my habits is to question others on
                                                                       controversial aspects which concern common
                                                                       values and beliefs to consider on my own.
                                                                       After conducting my own research on the topic
                                                                       (with possible experimentation, generally trial
                                                                       and error), I return to have a more meaningful
                                                                       conversation, with much more insight and
                                                                       hypothetical ideas.

                                                                       Future Steps: Due to all the time I keep to
                               Average:                                myself, I tend to forget a lot of my ideas in the
                               33.875                                  moments that I need to refer to them the most.
                                                                       Which is why an effective technique to
                                                                       improve on my overall learning style is to keep
                                                                       a journal so that I can reflect on new ideas and
                                                                       recall information when needed.

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