Page 8 - Personal Portfolio
P. 8

Section III: Personality Type and Traits

               C.1 Personality Type

                       A personality type typically has the potential to influence the career one may pursue later
               in life. I completed a variety of personality tests and quizzes, but I found none more accurate

               than Carl  Jung’s personality type test.  My  results  indicated that  I  was;  Extraverted,  Intuitive,
               Thinking  and  Perceiving.  Overall,  in  almost  all  systems,  these  characteristics  at  varying
               quantities stated that the top three potential careers that I should be considering are:

                       - Marketing Specialist

                       - Software Engineer

                       - Psychologist

                       I  believe  that  the  results  must  have  been  accurate  to  a  pretty  high  degree,  especially
               considering that these three occupations are careers I have looked into (prior to taking this test)
               and also have an interest in. Moreover, after looking further into the descriptions, I am defined as

               someone who has a tendency to be direct, yet creative not only how I carry out my actions, and a
               specific example that was stated said that I often would phrase messages with “a finesse of a
               world leader, yet with the persuasion of a politician”. I find this to be true, simply because I have
               often managed to persuade people without the expectation that they would actually listen. To
               address the former, I also attempt to approach my problems in an innovative and original way as
               it makes life interesting for not only me, but for those I interact with as well. All in all, by taking
               a series of different tests to determine my personality, I learned a lot about not only a few traits

               about myself, but about the general career paths I should consider in order to find an occupation
               that is best suited my personality.

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