Page 5 - Personal Portfolio
P. 5

A.3 Post - Secondary

                       As I’ve said before in my second reflection (refer to Appendix B), most people are under
               the impression that the career you choose determines the course of your life, but before that, the

               focus is on the institution for their post-secondary education. This is because when enrolled in a
               post-secondary school, a student is bound to a specific program which allows for only so many
               career  paths,  however  the  different  strengths  and  weaknesses  of  the  institution  often  ends  up
               dictating which line one ends up going down. As that may be, this unit has helped me come to
               the conclusion that my future occupation lies not only in my interests, but different attributing
               factors which determine the university/college that one would go to. This is why I realized it was
               important to fully research about different aspects such as the location, size, and smaller details

               for each school and campus. Originally, due to my burning passion for mathematics, I wished to
               enroll  in  the  University  of  Waterloo  ever  since  I  was  a  fifth  grader  because  of  the  amazing
               competitions they held each year and all the great anecdotes that I had heard about the place.
               However,  as  I  grew  older,  my  perception  changed  and  I  realized  that  although  it  may  be  a
               prestigious school, what works for someone else, may not necessarily be the appropriate idea for

               me. An example of how my understanding of the finer details changed how I thought, would be
               when  I  was  about  to  fully  commit  and  align  my  courses  to  match  Waterloo’s  Engineering
               Programme. After looking into their co-op program, I learnt that I would be forced to move quite
               frequently to take on different jobs, which goes against one of my most imperative work-values
               (refer to Appendix B),  which discouraged me from joining such  a program.  Moreover, when
               looking  at  other  options  such  as  the  University  of  British  Columbia,  I  realized  that  a  bigger
               university  would  be  a  more  feasible  idea  as  it  would  provide  me  with  a  variety  of  different
               options in terms of what I would want to do with my education. This provides a new appeal as it

               means that not only do I have a multitude of options, but that I can combine a variety of subjects
               to find my true passion. Generally speaking, looking into universities may seem like the natural
               thing to do, but this course allowed me to fully understand the concepts behind such actions, thus
               informing me of the importance of finding an appropriate post-secondary institution that suits

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