Page 4 - Personal Portfolio
P. 4

A.2 Extra - Curriculars

                       Most of today’s post-secondary programs require well-rounded students, hence they ask
               for what extra-curriculars students have been a part of. For most students, it’s simply another
               task  to  fulfill  in  preparation  for  university/college,  but  what  we  generally  don’t  understand,
               happens to be the importance of extra-curriculars. This unit in the course has taught me exactly
               that,  and  in  doing  so,  it  taught  me  how  I  can  make  better  decisions  in  regards  to  the  extra-

               curricular  activities  I  choose  to  partake  in  the  future.  For  starters,  extra-curriculars  promote
               valuable leadership skills that can be gained from experience, in addition to a number of other
               enriching  qualities  post-secondary  institutions  look  for.  Someone  who  not  only  helps  a
               coordinated  group,  but  sets  them  in  the  right  direction  through  positive  reinforcement  is
               essentially a person who demonstrates leadership. Activities such as sports, clubs and even some
               competitions  which  require  teamwork  help  in  the  development  of  leaders,  and  without  these
               types of activities, there are not many opportunities for people such as myself to learn how to
               become a leader. An example of an extra-curricular that teaches leadership would be the robotics

               team, in which I learnt how to build upon, utilize and develop different interpersonal skills (these
               are  further  expanded  upon  in  my  first  reflection,  refer  to  Appendix  A).  Using  these  skills,  I
               helped our team, (which only consisted of new members like myself), not only plan the design
               for our robot, but build and compete at an international tournament where we came 16  place.
               Other extra-curriculars come with the same types of potential, and by knowing what skills I want

               to improve upon, I can easily choose to participate in the activities that would benefit me the
               most. All in all, this course has taught me that by choosing better decisions, I can increase the
               positive impact that extra-curriculars provide, hence setting me up for a path of success in more
               than just my academic endeavors.

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