Page 17 - MyMT EATS Recipe book (Proofed May 2017) (2)
P. 17
‘Cooling-Carbs’ Plan for Menopause
Remember in both the ‘Reduce Hot Flushes/ Flashes’ webinar and the Liver Lover Webinar, when
I introduced you to the concept of ‘Low Glycemic’ carbohydrates that don’t spike your blood
sugar and insulin levels? Well, this is why I have called this handout, your ‘Cooling-Carbs’ Plan. It
is intended to guide you towards choosing the right type and amount of carbohydrate foods, so
that you reduce the severity and frequency of your hot flashes during your menopause transition!
For now, let’s just re-cap on why the type and amount of carbohydrates you eat during this
‘Liver-Lover’ phase of either the Transform Me and Circuit-Breaker programme is so important.
Very simply, all carbohydrates are not equal. The main sources of carbohydrate foods are from:
1. High Starch foods, either natural or man-made (Rice, pasta, breads, cereals, potatoes,
kumara, sweet potato).
2. Sugar (either natural or man-made). Anything that
ends in ‘ose’ is a SUGAR, no matter what their
source. Dextrose, Fructose, Sucrose, Lactose,
Glucose. This also includes High Fructose Corn Syrup
(HFCS) and artificial sugars that are in sweeteners.
3. Fruits and Vegetables (come into both the categories
above but are best for you as they are both nutrient
and fibre-rich).
When any of these foods are consumed, the internal
digestion processes are kicked into gear to break these
carbohydrate foods down to glucose which then gets
converted to glycogen which is stored in your liver and muscle cells ready for use.
The type of CARBS you are eating may be contributing to your weight gain, hot flashes and low
energy. Although Carbs contain the most superior fuel for energy for our brain and our muscles (as
well as fats but these are slower for the body to turn into energy), you need to eat carbs that
sustain your energy levels and do not cause a lot of insulin to be released from the pancreas. You
also need enough carbohydrate in your diet so that your body spares the use of protein. As was
explained in the webinar, if reducing the frequency and severity of your hot flashes/ flushes is
important to you then manage the type, amount and timing of your carbohydrate intake.