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2.2.1  Crash severity models focusing on heavy vehicle crashes

      Ordered logit and ordered probit models

               Duncan et al. (1998) developed an ordered probit model to investigate the injury severity of

               passenger vehicle occupants in rear-end collisions. This model is an appropriate model for
               analysing categorical injury data which are in order, either from low injury to higher severity

               injury or non-injury to fatal injury. The developed model has a linear function as below:


                  is assuming the injury severity (dependent variable),

                  is the vector of estimated parameters,

                  is the vector of the explanatory variables, and   is an error term.

               The observed ordinal injury outcome,     for each observed crash is defined as:



               where,   is estimable threshold parameter between categorical responses   .

               The   is  a  parameter  that  is  estimated  jointly  with  the  model  parameter   .  Therefore,  the
               model outcome probabilities are as below:

                (     )    (       )   (                )                                               (2.3)

               where,    and        are the upper and lower bound of injury severity n.

               The disadvantage of this model is that it may produce biassed estimation results for under-

               reported crash data (Yamamoto et al., 2008; Ye, 2011). The other drawback of this model is
               that it is difficult to interpret how the independent variables influence the likelihood of the

               outcome (Savolainen et al., 2011). A further weakness of this model is that it neglects the
               effect of injury severity level with a small percentage of observations (Li et al., 2012).

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