Page 36 - Mindmail _June_2019
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           service. As he had stood at     roadside for the General        the eye of a cartoonist for
           his post, the chief, entering   Manager to come down,           human faces. Everything
           the office just then, looked    and saluted him as he got       went down into clay. It
           up for a moment and             into his car.                   was a wonderful miniature
           asked, ‘Who are you?’                                           reflection of the world; and
                                           There was a lot of time all     he mounted them neatly
           ‘I’m the new gatekeeper,        around him, an immense          on thin wooden slices,
           master,’ he had answered.       sea of leisure. In this state   which enhanced their
           And he spoke again only         he made a new discovery         attractiveness. He kept
           on this day. Though so          about himself, that he          these in his cousin’s shop
           little was said, Singh          could make fascinating          and they attracted huge
           felt electrified on both        models out of clay and          crowds every day and sold
           occasions by the words of       wood dust. The discovery        very briskly. More than
           his master. In Singh’s eyes     came suddenly, when             from the sales Singh felt
           the chief had acquired a        one day a child in the          an ecstasy when he saw
           sort of godhood, and it         neighbourhood brought to        admiring crowds clustering
           would be quite adequate         him its little doll for repair.   around his handiwork.
           if a god spoke to one           He not only repaired it
           only once or twice in a         but made a new thing of         On his next pension day
           lifetime. In moments of         it. This discovery pleased      he carried to his office a
           contemplation Singh’s           him so much that he very        street scene (which he
           mind dwelt on the words of  soon became absorbed in             ranked as his best), and
           his master, and on              it. His back yard gave him      handed it over the counter
           his personality.                a plentiful supply of pliant    to the accountant with the
                                           clay, and the carpenter’s       request: ‘Give this to the
            His life moved on              shop next to his cousin’s       Sahib, please!’
           smoothly. The pension           cigarette shop sawdust.                                                           made it a convention to         office days. He passed it      registered letter for you . . .’
           together with what his wife     He purchased paint for          ‘All right,’ said the                             carry on every pension          over the counter on his
           earned by washing and           a few annas. And lo! he         accountant with a smile. It                       day an offering for his         pension day and it created     ‘For me!’ Any letter would
           sweeping in a couple of         found his hours gliding.        created a sensation in the                        master, and each time his       a very great sensation in      have upset Singh; he had
           houses was quite sufficient  He sat there in the front          office and disturbed the                          greatest reward was the         the office. ‘Fellow, you       received less than three
           for him. He ate his food,       part of his home, bent          routine of office working                         accountant’s stock reply to     have not left yourself out,    letters in his lifetime, and
           went out and met a few          over his clay, and brought      for nearly half an hour.                          his question: ‘What did the     either!’ people cried, and     each time it was a torture
           friends, slept and spent        into existence a miniature      On the next pension day                           Sahib say?’                     looked admiringly at Singh.    for him till the contents
           some evenings sitting at        universe; all the colours       he carried another model                                                          A sudden fear seized Singh     were read out. Now a
           a cigarette shop which his      of life were there, all the     (children at play) and                             ‘He said it was very good.’    and he asked, ‘The master      registered letter! This
           cousin owned. This tenor        forms and creatures, but        handed it over the counter.                                                       won’t be angry, I hope?’       was his first registered
           of life was disturbed on the    of the size of his middle                                                          At last he made his                                           letter. ‘Only lawyers send
           first of every month when       finger; whole villages          ‘Did the Sahib like the last                      masterpiece. A model of         ‘No, no, why should he be?’    registered letters, isn’t
           he donned his old khaki         and towns were there,           one?’                                             his office frontage with        said the accountant, and       it so?’
           suit, walked to his old         all the persons he had                                                            himself at his post, a car      Singh received his pension
           office and salaamed the         seen passing before his         ‘Yes, he liked it.’                               at the entrance and the         and went home.                  ‘Usually,’ said the
           accountant at the counter       office when he was sentry                                                         chief getting down: this                                       postman.
           and received his pension.       there—that beggar woman         ‘Please give this one to                          composite model was so           A week later when
           Sometimes if it was             coming at midday, and that      him—’ and he passed                               realistic that while he sat     he was sitting on the           ‘Please take it back. I don’t
           closing he waited on the        cucumber-vendor; he had         it over the counter. He                           looking at it, he seemed        pyol kneading clay, the        want it,’ said Singh.
                                                                                                                             to be carried back to his       postman came and said, ‘A
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           Mindmail - June 2019                                                                                                                                                                   Mindmail - June  2019
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